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他经常向她敲诈勒索。He often extorts money from her.

他用敲诈勒索的威胁使她屈服。He broke her by the threat of blackmail.

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他被指控犯敲诈勒索,但却一直没被判决有罪。He was indicted for racketeering but never convicted.

这些照片好像被用于敲诈勒索。It looks like the pictures were being used for blackmail.

只得向那个敲诈勒索者付钱了,他太危险了。The blackmailer had to be paid off. He was too dangerous.

史密斯先生一直被敲诈勒索,因为他有短处在这个人手里。Mr. Smith keeps paying blackmail to a man who has something on him.

这是一个简单的敲诈勒索的公司在该地区工作。It is a simple blackmailing for the companies working in the region.

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他被指控对店主敲诈勒索保护费。He's been charged with extorting protection money from the shopkeepers.

哥武也通过贩卖毒品、绑架诱拐、敲诈勒索来筹集资金。They also ran drug, kidnapping and extortion rackets to finance their war.

不到一星期前,马勒莫城也成立了反敲诈勒索联盟协会。Less than a week earlier the city got its first anti- racketeering association.

他“有点儿像是敲诈勒索,迫使他们在杂志上登了这些照片,”她说。He "sort of blackmailed them into putting these pictures into the magazine, " she said.

近日,该男子因涉嫌敲诈勒索罪被萝岗区检察院批准逮捕。Recently, the man has been arrested for extortion Luogang District Procuratorate approved the arrest.

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我自己不止一次看到或亲身经历这些事情,商人、娼妓和敲诈勒索者,也都有各自的不平事。I myself have witnessed and endured it more than once. The businessmen and racketeers also have a story.

所以,你有点像是被敲诈勒索了,很多人对此很不满。So you get kind of ripped off a little bit, and there's a lot of people who are not too happy about that.

因此,研究维权过度与敲诈勒索的关系,对研究刑民分界具有重要意义。Therefore, the study of adults excessive and extortion, the term interface are in the great significance.

官府的繁文缛节,也妨碍贸易活动的开展,并且为关内来的官员向满洲小商人敲诈勒索开了方便之门。Red tape was also stifling trade and giving southern officials a chance to squeeze small Manchurian merchants.

如果遇到像弗洛雷斯那样拒不服从的受害人,还有一种手段就是用敲诈勒索的方法威胁其家人。Other tactics are to threaten family members if a victim does not comply or, as in Flores's case, to use blackmail.

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警方认为,小丽的行为涉嫌敲诈勒索罪,将案卷移交检方审查起诉。Police believe that Mary's alleged acts of extortion, the prosecution will be transferred to the prosecution files.

杀手和他的小情人将面临敲诈勒索的指控,而买凶雇主本人则将面临威胁杀人的起诉。The hitman and his 'victim"' faces extortion charges and the woman who hired him charges of making threats to kill.

有些赚钱的方式粗鲁而暴力,如抢劫银行、敲诈勒索、进行诈骗贸易等。There are crude and violent ways of making money, like robbing a bank, blackmailing people or running protection rackets.