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我公司出售中国台布。We sell Chinese tablecloths.

桌上摊着一块台布。There\’s a cloth over the table.

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牛奶溢到台布上了。The milk spilled on the tablecloth.

台布垂到地板上。The tablecloth trails on the floor.

桌面上,没有了花边台布。From the table-top, the lace coverings.

在餐桌上盖上一块台布。Throw a tablecloth over the dining table.

你把肉汁泼到台布上了。You have spilled gravy on the tablecloth.

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你的工作是把亚麻台布浆洗硬了。Your job is to stiffen linen with starch.

她把台布上撒得到处是盐。She dribbled salt all over the tablecloth.

我想买一些刺绣的台布。I want to buy some embroidered tablecloths.

小女孩可以看到房间的东西,桌上铺着雪白的台布,上面放着精致的瓷碟,还有填满梅子和苹果、冒着热气、香喷喷的烤鹅。The little girl could see into the room within.

没有台布或布草的桌垫。There is no need for tablecloths or linen place mats.

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一张铺著绿色台布的桌子上放著几本掀开的书。On a table with a green cover lay a number of open books.

不到一个小时,大地就像铺上了一层洁白的台布。Within an hour, a white tablecloth was spread upon the lawn.

我们也可以根据你们提供的花样制作台布。We can also make tablecloths according to the patterns you give us.

我们的台布价格优惠,在贵方市场上非常好卖。Our tablecloth is modestly priced and quite sellable in your market.

请把台布都叠起来,送到储藏室里去。Please fold up all the table-cloth and put them into the store-room.

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我们跟着她的眼睛,发现了一个小洞在台布。We followed her eyes and discovered a small hole in the table cloth.

当他用匙舀汤时,他把汤泼溅在台布上了。He sloshed the soup over the tablecloth when he put his spoon into it.

您要哪种台布,亚麻的、提花涤纶织锦缎的?Which do you prefer, the linen one, the figured dacron or the brocade?