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这就是这个新团体。That's this new group.

团体私教训练。Group Personal Training.

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我是这一团体的主席。I'm the president of it.

加入读书团体或俱乐部。Join a book group or club.

有谁约请那团体了吗?Did anyone invite that guy?

团体价格另议。A group price will specially.

除了大的团体计划外。Out-side of large group plans.

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我们加入了一个半官方的团体。We joined a quasi-official body.

为正午计划团体活动。Plan group activities for midday.

关怀弱势团体。Care for the disadvantaged groups.

这项运动在团体比赛中是要求最高的。It is the ultimate in team sports.


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团体不引荐吃木瓜汁。Referral groups do not eat papaya.

薇奇已经离开她的小团体很久了。Vickie had long left their clique.

我们像是一个紧密结合的团体。We're like a close-knit community.

她是团体中的眼中钉。She is a real eyesore in the group.

谢谢。这是个多样的团体。Thanks. It's a pretty diverse group.

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一个健康的肝脏清洁,由团体。A Healthy Liver Cleanses the Body by.

她捐钱给慈善团体。She contributed money to the charity.

软件开发是一项团体运动。Software development is a team sport.