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我经历了千辛万苦才找把你弄回来。I've gone to a great deal of trouble to get you back.

玛丽费尽千辛万苦才把阅读的任务完成。Mary had a hard time finishing all the reading tasks.

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那些拓荒者在开发西部时历经了千辛万苦。The pioneers endured many hardships in setting the west.

然而王子历尽千辛万苦,最终找到了这个地方。Still, the Prince eventually stumbled upon that remote corner.

这是为什么我们千辛万苦也要从海外进口材料。This is why we go to the extent to import ingredients from overseas.

农民总是千辛万苦才能把农作物运到市场,特别是在冬季。In winter especially, farmers struggled to get their produce to the market.

地质勘探队员们历尽千辛万苦,找到了不少新矿藏。After innumerable hardships, the prospecting team discovered a lot of new ores.

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那将是艰巨的工作,不过历经千辛万苦后我们最后会取得胜利的。That would be a hard work, so we cannot make it unless we've passed many pains.

两人历经千辛万苦,终于到达西天。After experiencing lots of bitterness and sorrow, they finally reached the West.

阿雷陀的仆人芬娜千辛万苦去找梅林要给他预言。LeiTuos servant savannah untold hardships to find merlin to give him a prophecy.

我经过输送、过滤、净化,从江河之中千辛万苦来到这里,请您珍惜。——请节约用水!I travel here through pipes, filtrate and purify to reach you, so please cherish me.

在穿越战火纷飞的恐怖地带,历尽千辛万苦的长途跋涉之后,他冒险来到了熔岩湖边,终得如愿以偿。Through a war zone, up a mountain, down a crater, to the edge of a lava lake, he had it.

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在1000年前古蜀王国花蕊夫人精心摆设的花间盛宴,历尽千辛万苦的沙与金再度相逢。Jin and Sha met again after innumerable trials and hardships at a banquet arranged by Mrs.

害怕战火后千辛万苦建起来的高楼大厦毁于一旦,欲哭无泪,怎么办?They afraid that the skyscrapers built after the war will be destroyed in a blink of eyes.

其他孩子的妈妈大多是单身,为了抚养自己的孩子,她们无不历尽千辛万苦。Most of the other boys were being raised by single mothers struggling against daunting odds.

他费尽千辛万苦,终于登上了山顶,发现这里的环境非常优美,简直像座天堂!He man- aged to climb to the top, where he found a very nice environment. It looked like heaven!

萨尔领导兽人经历了千辛万苦,在卡利姆多的荒地上展开了探索。The orcs, led by Thrall, suffered a series of setbacks on their journey across Kalimdor's Barrens.

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国家领袖千辛万苦地使敌对的各方能重新和平共处。National leaders spend much of their efforts trying to get warring factions to commit to peace again.

我们的犯人坐在船舱里,面对着他千辛万苦费了多年工夫所得来的铁箱。Our captive sat in the cabin opposite to the iron box which he had done so much and waited so long to gain.

中国已经过了对千辛万苦考上西方大学的学生万众瞩目的阶段。China has moved beyond the stage of wide-eyed wonder at one-in-a-million shots at an elite Western university.