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乔也听人提到过肾结石。Joe has also heard of kidney stones.

婴幼儿患肾结石是十分罕见的。Kidney stones in infants are very rare.

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想象一下肾结石移除这件事。Talk about getting your kidney stones removed.

没人能够代替我去除我的肾结石。Nobody else can get my kidney stones removed for me.

药物治疗可以帮助减少肾结石的发生率。Medication can help reduce the risk of kidney stones.

可医生却说她患了肾结石。Instead, they were told that Tessa had a kidney stone.

有一些医院甚至开设了儿科肾结石专科门诊。Some hospitals have opened pediatric kidney stone clinics.

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如果你觉得你患有肾结石请及时就医。Check with your doctor if you think you have kidney stones.

肾结石和肾衰竭的治疗方法是什么?What is the treatment for kidney stones and kidney failure?

只有我能经历我体内的肾结石被去除。I'm the only one who can get my kidney stones removed for me.

你最好做一个静脉肾盂造影,看一看是否有肾结石。You'd better do an IVP X-ray to see if you have kidney stones.

肾的疾病包括肾功能衰竭、肾结石和肾炎。Disorders include kidney failure, kidney stones, and nephritis.

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肾结石、乙肝的饮食有抵触没?Does the food of liver of kidney stone, second have inimical not?

所以,我把她带到兽医,那里的人说布布得了肾结石病。So I took her to the vet, who said Bubu had kidney stone disease.

在第二次肾结石犯病之后,戈德法布说,他就开始大量饮水。After his second attack Goldfarb says he began drinking lots of fluids.

肾结石由共存于尿液中的盐和矿物质相互作用形成的。Kidney stones are globs of salt and minerals that deposit in the urine.

许多已经排出过肾结石的病人说,那个痛苦真是难以忍受的。Many patients who've passed a kidney stone say the pain is excruciating.

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泰勒分析了有/无肾结石的3426人的饮食。Taylor analyzed the diets of 3, 426 people with and without kidney stones.

尿路感染,续发肾结石伴随发热。Urinary tract infections, secondary to kidney stones, accompanied by fever.

肾结石是尿液中的矿物质结晶而成为的固体。A kidney stone is a solid mass formed when minerals in our urine crystallise.