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饮茶或者喝咖啡则是治疗烧心的普遍方法。Drinking tea or coffee was a common cure for heart-burn.

经常打嗝、烧心的人属于重点人群。Often the person of belch, heartburn belongs to key crowd.

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如果你很容易胃烧心,晚饭少吃辛辣和脂肪含量高的食物。If you get heartburn easily, avoid spicy and fatty foods for dinner.

胃酸过多易导致烧心、反酸、胃溃疡等。Hyperchlorhydria may cause heartburn, regurgitation of gastric acid and gastric ulcers.

如果你的睡眠质量并不理想的话,也许是因为你胃部反酸,哪怕你没有烧心的感觉。If you're not sleeping well, you may have acid reflux, even if you don't feel heartburn.

这里是一个清单,你可以用自然疗法,当你有烧心或酸返流。Here is a list of natural remedies that you can use when you have acid reflux or heartburn.

在市场上买的质子泵抑制剂用来治疗频发的烧心症时只能使用14天。Over-the-counter PPIs should be taken for only 14 days for treatment of frequent heartburn.

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有表现特征的常为上腹部不适和烧心之特征。Has performance characteristic Chang Wei the epigastrium is ill and characteristic of the heartburn.

烧心一直以来都被看作是一个酸介导的事件,并作为胃食管反流病的一个可靠指标而存在。Heartburn induced by acid reflux is always regarded as a reliable mark in gastroesophageal reflux disease.

烧心、胸骨后或心窝部疼痛及吞咽困难等为其主要症状。Heartburn, breastbone hind or ache of heart nest ministry and deglutition difficulty for its main symptom.

“烧心”表现在肋骨之间或者仅仅是颈部的下面有剧烈的烧灼样感觉。Heartburn is described as a harsh, burning sensation in the area in between your ribs or just below your neck.

最常见的引发烧心的食物是柑橘类水果,油炸和含脂肪食品,醋,番茄,巧克力。Most common food triggers for heartburn are citrus fruits, fried and fatty foods, vinegar, tomatoes, chocolate.

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白薯中含有单宁和胶质,会刺激胃壁分泌更多胃酸,引起烧心等不适感。Sweet potato contains tannic and colloid, stimulates the stomach acid, cause heartburn secrete more such discomfort.

在食物里加入黄油,食用油,糖浆,和牛奶以增加卡路里。不要吃低脂肪的食品,除非脂肪带来烧心或其他不适。Use butter, oils, syrups, and milk in foods to increase calories. Avoid low-fat foods unless fats cause heartburn or other problems.

暴露在过度噪音下,会造成听力下降,紧张,失眠,易怒,消化不良,烧心,高血压和溃疡。Exposure to excessive noise can cause hearing loss, stress, lack of sleep, irritability , indigestion, heartburn, high blood pressure and ulcers.

另外,屈曲、弯腰、咳嗽、妊娠、腹水、头低位仰卧等姿势均可诱发或加重烧心。Additional, inflectional , bow, cough, gravid, ascites, head is small lie on one's back wait to the pose all can be caused or accentuate heartburn.

在露地栽培条件下,研究了不同氮、钾、钙水平处理以及喷灌、畦灌对生菜钙吸收和干烧心的影响。Ca absorption and tipburn of lettuce were studied under different application of N, K, Ca, sprinkler irrigation and border irrigation in open field.

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对于一部分患有胃酸、烧心、失眠、心悸或者对咖啡因过敏的人,经常饮用大量咖啡,咖啡的酸性或者过量的咖啡因很可能对他们的身体造成伤害。There are some people, however, for whom regular or higher coffee intake may cause more harm than good, either because of its acidity or caffeine content.

如果你在晚上进食高脂肪的食物或让你感觉不好消化、烧心的食物,你的睡眠就会受到干扰而不得安宁。If you consume a high-fat meal in the evening or eat foods that you have found cause you indigestion and heartburn, your sleep can be disturbed and restless.

研究发现两组人在大餐后嚼无糖口香糖可持续减少胃酸反流达3小时,在有“烧心”症状的那一组尤其明显。The study found that chewing sugarless gum for an hour after a large breakfast reduced acid reflux in both groups for up to three hours, particularly in the heartburn group.