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第四部分总结东蒙总分会的历史作用。Part IV summed up the branch's role in history.

我在分会赢得了比赛,但是在区域会阶段却不慎落马。I won at the club level but lost the area contest.

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绝大多数大城市里都有门萨的分支机构或分会。Most large cities have branches or chapters of Mensa.

我爸爸偶尔会到他的共济会分会那里去。My father would occasionally go to his Masonic lodge.

李长老以前是旗山分会的副会长。Elder Lee used to be a counselor in the Chishan branch.

层次分明的偏分会让你看起来更柔和一些。A sweeping style with layers adds softness to your look.

各分会级公众演讲及即席演讲比赛。Club level public speaking and table topic speech contests.

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仲裁委员会分会可以受理并处理案件。The Sub-Commission can take cognizance of and handle cases.

您的分会如何激励与奖励会员达成各项荣衔与成就?。How does your club motivate and recognize member achievements?

发烧时,大量水分会通过排汗而丧失。During fever a large quantity of fluid is lost in perspiration.

各分会开始准备向世界总会陈报的半年报及会费收取。Clubs start to prepare the semi-annual report and collect the dues.

相信在未来中原大学国际演讲会将成为最优秀的分会之一!I believe CYCU TMC will be one of the best clubs in the near future!

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随后,这一协会的圣约翰斯分会被命名为维拉柏林协会。John's branch of that association was called the Vera Perlin Society.

支援创立新会与救援待拯救分会。The plan to support new charter clubs and to rescue those weak clubs.

加拿大中医药针灸学会在亚省和魁北克省成立了学会分会。CMAAC Chapter offices are formed in the provinces of Alberta and Quebec.

不会,CFA协会及分会会费是不退还不让渡的。No. CFA Institute and society dues are nonrefundable and nontransferable.

分会主席将与PCOM成员之间定期举行例会。Regular meetings are held between section Presidents and members of PCOM.

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仲裁委员会分会是仲裁委员会的组成部分。These Sub-Commissions are an integral part of the Arbitration Commission.

期盼这些奖励金会对分会财务有很大帮助!We wish the rewards will help many clubs solving their problem of budget.

马克•埃克斯坦,世界自然基金会美国分会国际金融主管。Mark Eckstein is the managing director of international finance at WWF US.