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他们和我讲话,我显得平易近人。They speak to me. I come across as approachable.

对她来说,我很平易近人,是个有点傻气的外国人。To her, I'm an easy-going, dim-witted foreigner.

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善良,平易近人,脾气好,开得起玩笑。Good, amiable, good-natured, open to afford a joke.

它既代表了平易近人的特性,又象征着前卫的发展进步。It represented both the common touch and forward progress.

这里的很多教授都很平易近人,我觉得。A lot of professors here are pretty down to earth, I think.

潘登尼斯是我认识的最平易近人的年轻人之一。Pendennis is one of the most affable young men I ever knew.

你可以说,麦可的服装让他平易近人。You might say that Michael is clothed in "approachability."

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带着耳机或是在音乐中神游的你当然与平易近人不沾边了。If you’re wearing earphones or zoned out to music, you won’t be.

企业博客使得企业形象与企业本身都更加平易近人。It makes the company-person and the corporation more approachable.

关于驱动力的最好、最平易近人的研究性书籍。The best, most accessible research-based book on what motivates us.

这个人是一直非常自律、懒惰、争强好胜还是平易近人?Has the person always been very disciplined, lazy, aggressive, or nice?

约翰是个声音洪亮的大个子,有着平易近人的幽默感和天生的社交魅力。He's a big man with a sonorous voice, earthy humor, and gregarious charm.

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勤奋,有责任心,好学,平易近人,思想开朗,全面发展。Assiduity, responsible, investigative, sociable, open-minded and all-round.

在教室中教师是拘谨而且严肃的,但在课后他便变得平易近人了。In the classroom the teacher is stiff and stern but after class he unbends.

他当了部长以后,仍未失去平易近人的作风。Even after becoming a minister, he still keeps his common touch with people.

要想变得更加平易近人,最好是参加一些志愿活动。A good way to become more approachable isby joining a volunteer organization.

她是个成功的广告主管,非常聪明但又平易近人。She was a successful advertising executive, highly intelligent yet easygoing.

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陈鸿宇的公众形象十分平易近人,经常和粉丝互动。Chen's public persona is *approachable, and he frequently interacts with fans.

在一些的路中是相似的美国人使用的另外表达平易近人。Americans use another expression that is similar in some ways to down-to-earth.

每个一线队球员都很平易近人,但达尼·帕切科跟我最谈得来。All the players were great to be fair, but Dani Pacheco was really good with me.