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拯救我们脱离邪恶。Deliver us from evil.

他们毫发无伤的脱离了。They escaped unharmed.

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我们现在脱离危险了。Now we're out of danger.

灵魂能脱离肉体吗?Can the soul be disembodied?

脱离债务,就脱离危险。Out tof debt, out of danger.

这个病人已脱离危险。The patient is out of danger.

你能使生活与艺术脱离吗?Can you divorce life from art?

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病人已经脱离危险了。The patient was out of danger.

你脱离现实生活了,我亲爱的。You do not know life, my dear.

我希望她能脱离险境。I hope she'll get out of woods.

亨利詹姆斯脱离了国籍。Henry james expatriated himself.

生活与艺术不能脱离。Life and art cannot be divorced.

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没有脱离现实。She's not detached from reality.

我们将在礼拜天前晌脱离。We'll be leaving Sunday morning.

您是否因破产而未脱离穷籍?。Are you an undischarged bankrupt?

他救我们脱离了罪的权势。He saves us from the power of sin.

他的死亡使其灵魂脱离了躯体。His death disembodied his spirits.

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他的想像脱离事实,想入非非。His imagination outruns the facts.

因他不能救你们脱离我的手。He cannot deliver you from my hand.

帮助我脱离信用卡的苦海。Help me get rid of my credit cards.