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睡椅焕然一新。The couches were new.

他躺在睡椅上吸着烟斗。He was lying on the couch, enjoying his pipe.

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他坐在睡椅上,试图弄破裂一只螃蟹。He sat on his couch and tried to crack a crab.

被烤焦的睡椅放在时代门廊内。The scorched couch is put in the porch of epoch.

画中有一位贵夫人。她躺在睡椅上。There's a lady in the picture. She's lying in the couch.

小汤姆懒洋洋地躺在睡椅上,吃着糖果。Little Tom was lolling about on the couch, eating sweets.

靠在一面墙上的一张简陋睡椅上平躺着一个姑娘。On a makeshift couch against one wall a girl lay stretched out.

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一个黄脸皮,黑眼睛,瘦长的女人斜倚在睡椅上,这时微微坐了起来。A tall, dark-eyed, sallow woman half rose from a couch on which she was reclining.

睡觉时不要与其他儿童或者幼儿共用一张床或睡椅。Infants shouldn't share beds or couches with grown-ups or other kids during sleep.

在床上或者睡椅上一躺就是几个小时,除了胡思乱想无所事事,这种生活真要把我。Lying in bed or on the couch for hours on end, with nothing to do but think drove me mad.

一天我正通过睡椅找东西,我找到了一个大物品。我找到了一张床!I was going through my couch looking for stuff the other day, and i scored huge. I found a bed!

与其跟他们争论这个或那个画家的是非曲直,我倒不如利用这些时间在比安卡的睡椅上打个盹儿。I preferred to doze on Bianca's couch rather than argue about the merits of this or that painter.

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在办公室里,我有一把精致的睡椅,我常常躺在睡椅上深思,反省和构思我史诗般的宏伟计划。I have a nice chaise lounge in my office where I regularly meditate, reflect and devise my epic plans.

既然你没有在办公室工作,你也许就想让你自己更舒适地在睡椅上工作。Since you’re not in an office, you may as well make yourself comfortable and do your job on the couch.

吉姆非旦不按她的吩咐行事,反而倒在睡椅上,两手枕在头下,微微发笑。Instead of obeying, Jim tumbled down on the couch and put his hands under the back of his head and smiled.

他曾发明一种板上游戏叫做'精神病',需要将一只小睡椅在板上不停移动。Once he made a board game called Psychiatry, which consisted of little couches being moved around the board.

选择坐在那张睡椅上看让脑子发木脑浆被挤成稀屎状的体育节目,一边往自己嘴里塞他妈的垃圾食物。Choose sitting on that couch watching mind-numbing, spirit crushing game shows, stuffing junk food into your mouth.

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选择坐在那张睡椅上看让脑子发木脑浆被挤成稀屎状的体育节目,一边往自己嘴里塞他妈的垃圾食物。Choose sitting on that couch watching mind-numbing spirit-crushing game shows, stuffing fu*king junk food into your mouth.

选择坐在那张睡椅上看让脑子发木,脑浆被挤成稀屎状的体育节目,一边往自己嘴里塞他妈的垃圾食物。Choose sitting on that couch watching mind-numbing spirit-crushing game shows, stuffing fucking junk food into your mouth.

而在宾夕法尼亚的东南部,一名84岁的老人躺在睡椅上小憩,被大雪积压而倒向其房屋的树木砸死。In southeastern Pennsylvania, an 84-year-old man was killed when a snow-laden tree fell on his home while he was napping in his recliner.