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他把一个不透明体放在一盏灯和眼睛间。He interposed an opaque body between a light and the eye.

辐射线不能透过的物质叫不透明体。Materials through which no radiation is propagated are called opaque.

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既不能透光又不能透视的物体为不透明体。Both neither can be pervious to light cannot clairvoyant object is opacity.

认得这透明体,智慧的叶子掉在人间?Recognize this transparent body, the wisdom of the leaves fall in the world?

综述了使用光学方法测量透明体的方法。In the paper, the methods of optical measurement of transparent object are introduced.

介绍了测量薄透明体厚度及折射率的一种方法。A method of measuring the thickness and refractive index of thin transparency is introduced.

研究了基于全反射消光原理测量管状透明体壁厚的原理和方法。The principle and method for measuring the wall thickness of transparent tube are presented.

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节瘤-未完全熔化的玻璃所形成的非常小的透明体,它有不规则的、紊乱的外形。A small transparent body of incompletely assimilated glass having an irregular or tangled appearance.

无色透明体液体,轻微气味,溶于大部分有机溶剂,不溶于水。Body colorless, transparent liquid, slight odor, soluble in most organic solvents, insoluble in water.

除氟塑料外,大多数是非结晶型的透明体,包括聚氯乙烯、聚四氟乙烯、聚醋酸乙烯酯等。Fluorine plastic, most non-transparent crystalline body, including PVC, PTFE, such as polyvinyl acetate.

尽管组织学观察到透明体,但线粒体的呼吸机能未受影响。Athough hyaline body formation could be observed, the breathing function of the mitochondria was not impaired.

结论该仿组织透明体模在用于HIFU聚焦性能的评价方面展示出良好的前景。Conclusion This optically transparent tissue-mimicking phantom can be used for the evaluating HIFU focusing performance.

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方法仿组织透明体模主要由聚丙烯酰胺和作为温度敏感指示剂的蛋清混合而成。Methods The tissue-mimicking phantom was composed mainly of polyacrylamide gel and egg white as a temperature-sensitive indicator.

提出用迈克耳孙干涉仪同时测量薄透明体厚度和折射率的新方法。A new method is proposed to measure the refractive index and thickness of thin transparency simultaneously by Michelson interferometer.

如红参的颜色是红棕色,野山人参表面呈灰黄色,阿胶为棕色半透明体。If the color of red ginseng is Gong Zong color, surface of wild hill ginseng shows grey yellow, donkey-hide gelatin is brown translucence body.

设计理念是创造出一个四层的透明体量,将所有的起居和办公功能都包含在一起,但同时为住户提供极大的隐私性。The concept was to create a four-level diaphanous structure, which integrates all functions of living and working and yet offers enough privacy.

通过反向应用射线踪迹法并与漫反射表面的有效辐射强度相结合来分析含漫射表面半透明体的表观光谱发射特性。A ray split-off and tracing approach is presented to analyze the apparent spectral reflecting performance of a semitransparent fluid layer with undulant surface.

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几个不透明体量与立面相交,使自然光进入室内空间,同时强调了内部分隔,确保第二重隐私空间的维护。The sum of several opaque volumes intersect the facade, allowing natural light in all indoor spaces, punctuating the inner fragmentation and ensuring a second level of privacy.

早期对当地太阳角度的大量研究帮助为透明体设定了一个最佳的朝向。巨大的绿植屋顶容纳了大量的当地植物。Extensive solar analysis early in the design process established an optimal orientation for the transparent building, and a large green roof harbors an array of indigenous plants.

基于非傅里叶热传导定律,采用波函数展开法,研究了含圆柱缺陷非透明体中热波散射问题。Based on non-Fouriers law of heat conduction, by using the expansion method of wave functions, the thermal wave scattering by subsurface cylinders in the opaque body is investigated.