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想让床第生活更加有滋有味吗?Want to spice things up in the bedroom?

过好现在的每一天,而且过得有滋有味。Live each day in the present, and take it beautiful.

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没有水,面包又很干,但是他吃得有滋有味。There was no water and the bread was dry, but he enjoyed it.

能让母亲快乐的方法,就是有滋有味地吃掉她做的食物。The way to your mother's heart is to eat her food with relish.

我并非在鼓吹说,没有对艺术的热爱和激情,人类也可以活得有滋有味。I’m not saying we can live without passion and love for our art.

哦,山里人家,把平淡的生活也过得有滋有味,令人佩服。Oh, the mountains and people, the life also cross flavorfully, admirable.

这是富足、友爱又不失活泼的一家子,加里的生活过得有滋有味。Exuberant, affectionate, vivacious—to his family, Gary was larger than life.

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他能在伦敦生活地有滋有味全靠他在这里有部分投资。He managed to live reasonably well in London only because he has some investments.

一颗无染心,一点自在禅,让日子有滋有味,有腔有调。A non-dye heart a little Zen itself so that the days Youziyouwei there are cavity tune.

一颗无染心,一点自在禅,让日子有滋有味,有腔有调。A non-dye heart, a little Zen itself, so that the days wonderful, there are cavity tune.

人们通过这些视频会看到,韩国人实际上生活得有滋有味。Through these videos, people can see that life is actually quite OK here in South Korea.

一颗无染心,一点自在禅,让日子有滋有味,有腔有调。A non-dye heart, a little Zen itself, so that the days Youziyouwei, there are cavity tune.

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他的自谦和风趣就算用今天乔恩。斯图尔特的标准衡量,依然有滋有味。Lincoln was self-deprecating and funny in a way that will ring true for the Jon Stewart generation.

河水从阿巴拉契科拉湾流向大海,在这里的水域中牡蛎正生活得有滋有味,当然还少不了蛤蚌。The waters of Apalachicola Bay, where the river flows into the sea, make oysters happy as, well, clams.

女人的清贫日子,怀着花的心情,平淡日子便是国色天香,有滋有味了。Woman's impoverished day and fade life is flavorful like the peony if you are armed with the flower's mood.

因为,在廉价的家政服务、一流的私营医疗护理和学校的条件下,他们仍然过得有滋有味。They still enjoy a good life, helped by cheap domestic help and first-class private medical care and schools.

我们曾经受了三个火夏的磨砺和三个严冬的考验,请别忘记这有滋有味、有声有色的时光。We have three fire by tempering the summer and three winter tests, do not forget this gusto, impressive time.

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在维也纳的日子里,我们见到的老年人,好像都生活得有滋有味的。During my stay in Vienna, I found that all the elderly people I met with seemed to enjoy their lives enormously.

“我说,哈斯金斯,”有一天编辑对他厉声说道,“我们怎么从未从你那儿得到有关马厩的有滋有味的报道呢?"See here, Haskins," he snapped at him one day, "why is it we never have anything hot from you on the horse pavilion?

中午是照列午休,养好精气神才能把生日过得有滋有味,展现了一个人良好的精神面貌,生机勃勃,而非满目苍容。Noon is listed as lunch break, keep good the vigor to the birthday that person, showed a man good spirit, vibrant, rather than a colorless let.