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配合灵芝排毒茶瘦身功效加倍。Lingzhi Detox Tea slimming effect with the double.

灵芝孢子有破壁和不破壁的两种。Lingzhi Spores Powde include cracked and uncracked.

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陈灵芝是一个广东女孩,大家都知道,广东地处中国经济比较发达的沿海地区。She is from Guangdong Province, a rather developed coastal region.

试验观察灵芝菌种达到作为母种使用的要求。The hypha achieves the request as the mother culture by observation.

萧妃故意把皇上带到一颗巨大的灵芝身边。XiaoFei deliberately put the emperor to a huge ganoderma lucidum side.

灵芝三萜类化合物是灵芝孢子油中的主要功效成分。Triterpenoids are the main efficacious ingredients in ganoderma spore lipids.

胶原蛋白、透明质酸、灵芝提取液、人参提取液、酵母提取液、甘草提取精华等。Collagen, Hyaluronic Acid, the extract of Australe, Panax, Barm and Liquorice etc.

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我从她们身边而过,我知道采灵芝是一件很不容易的事情。I went from their side, I know picking ganoderma lucidum is a very difficult thing.

论文在灵芝基因工程方面做了一些开创性的研究。Some original work on genetic engineering of Ganoderma lucidum have been carried out.

灵芝孢子多糖还可增强S180肉瘤荷瘤小鼠NK细胞的杀伤活性。In addition, GLSPs could strengthen the activity of NK cells in S180 tumor-bearing mice.

灵芝孢子粉对人完全没有毒性,是一种安全可靠的保健食品。Lingzhi Spores Powder has no toxicity on human which is a safe and reliable health food.

结论灵芝多糖可明显抑制佐剂性关节炎大鼠血清IL-12的分泌。Conclusion Ganoderan can inhibit the excretion of IL-12 in adjuvant arthritis rats serum.

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灵芝自古以来被称为“仙草”,对人体无毒无副作用。Ganoderma Lucidum is called as Mesona chinensis, has no toxic side effects on human body.

灵芝是我国医药学宝库中的一种珍贵的药食两用菌。Ganoderma lucidum is one of most frequently used fungi in Chinese medicine and nutrition.

目的研究灵芝孢子油软胶囊对小鼠免疫功能的影响。Objective To study the impact of G. lucidum spores Softgel on the immune function of mice.

结果表明,灵芝孢子油具有降血脂的作用。The results showed that Ganoderma lucidum spore oil possesses serum lipid reducing activity.

研究了发酵灵芝粉中肽类化合物的分离及其生物活性。The biology activity and separation of peptides in fermentive ganoderma lucidum were studied.

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这棵灵芝不见阳光、只见月光,洁白如玉,举世无双,看了灵芝草,百病消除身体好。Have a look at the fairy glossy ganoderma and you will have a good health without any illnesses.

保龄酒是用富锗灵芝浓缩液与贵州名酒怀酒精心勾兑而成。Baolin Liquor is highly produced with condense Linzhi fluid rich in Ge and Guizhou Huaijiu Liquor.

灵芝是最受推崇的滋补菌类,增强活力,延迟寿命,强化健康。Reishi is one of the most revered tonic mushrooms that promotes vitality, longevity, and wellness.