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他有婚外恋。He has an extramarital affair.

你和布洛基云汉夫人有婚外恋吗?Are you having an affair with Brooke Windham?

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我认为一切婚外恋都是贪欲的产物。I think all extramarital love is the outcome of greed.

婚外恋是婚姻的伴生物,也是婚姻的致命杀手。They are the companion product as well as the killer of marriage.

从某种意义上说,婚外恋缘于责任感缺乏。In a sense, extramarital love results from lack of responsibility.

你怎么评论那整版的黛妃的婚外恋记事?How do you comment on the whole section about Princess Diana's affairs?

“今天的婚外恋爱关系是相当普遍的”,精神病医生徐浩源说。"Extra marital relations are quite common nowadays, " said the psychiatrist Xu.

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伊娃-朗格利亚在家等你,你却在外头和队友的老婆搞婚外恋。Eva Longoria is waiting for you at home and you're having an affair with a teammate's wife.

基尔帕特里克和贝蒂随后出庭否认发生婚外恋。Kilpatrick and Betty appears in court to deny that afterward has the adulterous love affair.

成熟的女人在发现丈夫有婚外恋的首先自我反省。Mature woman refelects on herself the moment she discovers her husband has an extramarital affair.

意想不到的是他竟然开始很严厉地教训我,告诉我对于婚外恋要谨慎。Out of the blue, he then proceeded to offer me stern advice on the discreet conduct of extra-marital affairs.

对有婚外恋行为的女人来说,四十多岁时的性关系常常是一种让她们回到年轻时代的方法。For those who embark on them, the fortysomething sexual relationship is often a way of reclaiming their youth.

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当前,我国每年约有40万个家庭解体,其主要原因就是婚外恋。There are about 400,000 disintegrating families per year in China, which has resulted from extramarital affairs.

调解员可能会认定,“合乎道德”的答案是结束男方的婚外恋,让这对夫妻继续在一起过日子。A mediator may decide that the "moral" answer is to end the husband's affair and for the couple to stay together.

但令人惊讶的是,堪称华盛顿“模范丈夫”的爱德华兹,竟然“发展”了一段婚外恋情。But what is surprising is that Washington called a "model husband" Edwards, even "development" for a love affair.

近年来,随着不节制性行为及婚外恋的增加,亲子鉴定的要求越来越多。Casual sex and extramarital affairs were blamed for the growing demand for such tests, said a doctor from the hospital.

现在情感栏目中看到最多的就是婚外恋、三角恋的文章,而且有些标题十分露骨。See most is the extramarital love, article that trigonometry loves in affection column now, and some caption are very barefaced.

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渡边淳一是日本当代的著名作家,他创作了很多以婚外恋中的男女的性爱为题材的小说。Junichirou Watanabe, a famous contemporary writer, wrote a lot of novels with the subject of sexual love in extramarital affairs.

“夫妻俩”宁愿在一起共度时光,为彼此梳理毛发,同筑爱巢也不去搞“婚外恋”。They prefer to spend time with each other, groom each other for hours on end and nest together. They avoid meeting other potential mates.

这种开放容忍的环境使人们对婚前性行为和婚外恋的看法开放。This kind of permissive environment has influenced people to have liberal and permissive attitude towards premarital and extramarital sex.