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你真是秀色可餐。You are really a dish.

是啊,没有哪一天我不让人说我秀色可餐的!Yeah, it's an off day when I don't get.

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哇,那简直太棒了。你简直是秀色可餐。Wow, incredible. I just want to eat you up.

有时饱餐秀色后腻到化不开。Sometime all full with feasting on your sight.

街道两边的树木为城市频添几分秀色。The street trees add to the beauty of the city.

甩。现在喜欢黑美人。真是秀色可餐。I dumped her. Now I prefer black girls. So tasty.

湖泊更增添了这里的秀色。The lake adds much to the beauty of the landscape here.

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山上悠悠白云,缓缓飘过,更为这山中凭添几分秀色。The white clouds floating gracefully over the mountain added much to its beauty and charm.

秀色可餐,优雅可饮,醉翁之意,妙不可言。Beautiful scenery but meal, elegance but drink, have ulterior motives, too wonderful for words.

蜀中的仙山峨眉,漂浮于云涛雾海呈秀色于烟雨浸满的山林。Mount Emei in Sichuan Province is renowned for its hill forests bathing in the ocean of cloud and mist.

这个元素只不过是使影片更秀色可餐的调味剂罢了,让它更符合观众的胃口。That is just seasoning powder to make the movie delicious, palatable, and more to the taste of the audience.

在这里,环城秀色的复兴“活化”空间必将成为社会活动和精神文化交流的新舞台。Here, the ring landscape revival of "activation" of space will become the spirit of cultural exchange activities and a new stage.

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草坪和小灌木丛还是绿色的,草坪上散落着淡绿、黄色和红色的树叶,为冬天的北京增添了许多秀色。Lawn and undershrub were still green. There were light green, yellow and red leafs on the lawn, bring beauty to the city of Beijing.

尤为一提的是,假日酒店独有的8间湖景房秀色可“枕”,不用开窗,凭眺就能将太湖秀色一览无余。Particularly mentioning that the unique lakeview beauty rooms can be able to glance the beauty of Taihu Lake without open the window.

新鲜芥末——秀色可餐,但不要忘记像泽田师傅这样的寿司大厨们不建议额外多要一份。Fresh wasabi -- beautiful to look at and to the tongue, but don't forget sushi chefs like Sawada might not appreciate an order for extra.

克里斯多夫·桑顿在片中扮演“秀色可餐”的狄恩·德维尔,一个因事故瘫痪在轮椅上的洛杉矶DJ,某天他突然发现自己有治愈别人的能力,于是他自己找到了一个完成自己摇滚梦想的办法。Christopher Thornton stars as 'Delicious' Dean O'Dwyer, an LA DJ who is confined to a wheelchair after an accident that leaves him paralysed.

海浪拍打着海堤上那奇形怪状的礁石,溅起白色的浪花,像是千万道明亮的眼波,凝视着春天的秀色。The waves crashing against the seawall on the grotesque rocks, splashing waves of white, like millions of bright eyes, staring at spring Xiuse.

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我想,就算是忠粉们,“吃,祈祷与爱”在印度也不待见,因为片子虽然食物秀色可餐,可传递的思想却空空如也。Even, I suspect, for loyalists, Eat Pray Love will bog down in India, because while food consumption is fun to watch, the emptying of the mind is not.

迄今为止,已有包括尼克松、撒切尔夫人等在内的三百多位世界知名人士曾登上八达岭一览这里的山河秀色。To date, including Nixon, Margaret Thatcher, including more than 300 celebrities have been on the world list here Badaling beauty of mountains and rivers.

那身衣服不可避免地向所有人表明,她的力量有部分源自于她的秀色可餐,一种特别落伍的观念正是这么定义女性力量的。And that clothing unavoidably indicates to everyone that part of the source of her power is her babeliciousness, as defined in a particularly retrograde way.