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公孙龙对这个新收的门客非常满意。Gong was very satisfied with the new follower.

他们可是追求完善的门客。They strive for perfection and will expect the same from you.

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没过多久,公孙龙和他的门客一起出外游玩。Some days later, Gongsun Long and his followers went on a trip.

没过多久,公孙龙和他的门客一起出外游玩。Not long afterwards, Gongsun and his followers went on a journey.

楚国有个祭祀的人,赏给门客一壶酒。There is a sacrifice to the chu and rewarded MenKe a pot of wine.

想法是来大脑中央站点串门的门客。Thoughts are visitors, who visit the central station of the mind.

他只不过是战国时期赵国平原君的一位门客。He is just one of the Warring States Period Zhao Ping Yuanjun Menke.

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同时,韩国也无法指望中国约束这位朝鲜“门客”。Nor can South Korea expect China to rein in its North Korean client.

当今政客和政治家们养不养门客?。Nowadays do the politician and statesmen support a hanger-on of aristocrat?

难道说,在上榜的全部城市中,门客们都能品味到“各种价位的佳肴”。All the top cities on the list offer "fantastic food at all price points, " Murphy added.

不过遗憾的是,整个酒店业在向上门客销售方面做的还远远不够。Unfortunately, the hotel industry overall does a less than adequate job of selling to walk-ins.

这么多门客之中,各个阶层,各种经历的人都有。Among these retainers, they are from every social stratum, and they have all kind of experience.

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其中,赵国国君的弟弟平原君赵胜的门客就有三千多人。One of these aristocrats was Lord Ping Yuan of the State of Zhao, who supported over three thousand persons in his household.

原来,孟尝君的另一个门客会学鸡叫,而鸡是只要听到第一声啼叫就立刻会跟着叫起来的。It turned out that one other hanger-on could imitate the cock's crow very well, and the first crow was actually his imitation.

取决于你所在酒店的市场定位和品牌,尤其是地理位置,上门客带来的销售将会占绝一个相当大的比例。Depending on your market segment, brand, and especially your location, walk-in sales can represent a significant source of additional revenue.