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禁酒会预防犯罪吗?Will banning alcohol "prevent" crimes?

他们在不断地提出禁酒。They are constantly crusading against '.

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泰拉是一个禁酒主义者,她说食物是她唯一的软肋。Tyra, a teetotaler, said food is her only vice.

那家公司在禁酒期间偷运玉米威士忌。The company bootlegged corn whiskey during Prohibition.

我基本上是个禁酒主义者,但那次我至少喝了三瓶。I am practically a teetotaller, but I had at least three.

事实上,我们中的大多数人并不想绝对的禁酒。In reality, most of us wouldn't dream of turning teetotal.

我认为我是整个英超唯一一个禁酒的球员。I think I am the only teetotaller in the whole Premier League.

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禁酒联合会要关闭镇上所有的酒馆。The temperance league wanted to close all the saloons in town.

1917年,美国国会决定,美国应成为一个“禁酒的”国家。In 1917, Congress decided that the United States should become a "dry" country.

当学生们进入大学之后,还有多少人保持禁酒就是另一个问题了。How many students remain non-drinkers once they are in college is another issue.

反酒馆同盟领导人的目标,开始是地方专卖或全州范围禁酒。The goal of Anti-Saloon leader was at first local option or state-wide prohibition.

他在28岁那个禁酒时代过渡饮用有毒酒精而猝死。He died at age 28 after consuming excessive amounts of toxic prohibition-era liquor.

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巴斯特德说,学校要从学生入校时就开始对18岁的学生继续保持禁酒进行关注。Busteed says schools need to focus on keeping non-drinking 18-year-olds from starting up.

而战争后期,霍普所在的亨普斯特德投票通过了禁酒的法令。Near the end of the war, Hempstead County, of which Hope is the county seat, voted to go dry.

素食可以禁酒,且比人们所服任何药物都更为有效。Here then, is a remedy for intemperance far more effective than all the drug cures that men take.

你看起来会更健康,你的皮肤会变红润,你会比绝对禁酒者多活五年。You will look better, your skin will glow, and you will live five years longer than a teetotaler.

上周,州政府宣布启动一项针对3-6年级学生的禁酒计划。Last week, the State Government announced an anti-alcohol program for students in year 3 to year 6.

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在1920年到1933年禁酒时期,这样的事情已经发生过了,今天又在校园中重演。This occurred during the Alcohol Prohibition of 1920-1933 and is happening on college campuses today.

一次,杰克参加了一个讲座,演讲者是苏格兰著名的医生以及禁酒倡导者。Jack once attended a Temperance lecture given by Scotland's top medical man, a noted anti-drink campaigner.

尽管校园禁酒运动的规模很小,胆气不足,但已经从禁烟运动中得到启示。Still small and somewhat timid, the campus temperance movement has taken its cue from anti-smoking campaigns.