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配上手擦和PP洗水效果。Hand brush and PP washing effect.

发球球员可以选择下手或上手发球。Players may serve underarm or overarm.

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发球有上手发球和下手发球两种。Ball may be served underhand or overhand.

你可以去上手或反握。You can go for overhand or underhand grip.

您还可以将与一上手抓地力的酒吧。You can also hold the bar with an overhand grip.

有多少种上手发球的方法?。How mang ways can the overhand serves be played in?

这就是快速上手编程的本质。This is the essence of quick-and-dirty programming.

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我更喜欢使用双除公关上手抓地力。I prefer to use a double overhand grip except for PR.

他们跟异性约会时,他们的父母连知道都不知道,也插不上手来帮帮忙。They do it without the knowledge or help or their parents.

如果你雇佣的是全职的高管,可能需要90天才能上手。If you hire someone full-time, it takes 90 days to ramp up.

它决定游戏的上手难度与可玩性。It determines that difficulty and the gameplay of the game.

敏捷框架的设计以简单为原则,因此也就易于上手,受过良好指导的实践也易于开展。And the practices, well-coached, are easy to set in motion, too.

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很显然,一款游戏必须让新手们觉得容易上手并且充满乐趣。Obviously a game should be easy and fun for new players to learn.

我带着一对可以装在口袋里的手枪,没有上手弹,我睡觉很平静。I had a brace of unloaded pocket pistols with me and slept unperturbed.

此外,各种各样新式的球类运动都很容易上手,而且很好玩。Plus all types of new paddle games are available that are easy and fun.

无线广域网更方便更可靠更易上手。Still, WWAN can be more convenient, more reliable and easier to set up.

Php的网站非常容易上手,并且有很多有价值的信息。The PHP web site is user-friendly and has plenty of useful information.

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有些人在写字板上手稳定一些,那么其所得的结果就会好一些。Someone with a steadier hand on the tablet might achieve better results.

家有个上海牌的老式口琴双排48孔的,请问初学者能不能上手?Is is suitable for beginners to play the old mode of 48 hole with two rows?

学会去找到这些星星们,找摩羯座就会很容易上手。Learn to locate these stars, and you'll always be able to find Capricornus.