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本位主义是放大了的个人主义。Departmentalism is magnified individualism.

这是民族本位主义评论么?What is it with the egotistical nationalist comments?

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我们本位主义的狭隘性和傲慢文化是一个危险的结合。Our parochial narrowness and cultural hubris are a dangerous combination.

随着立法由个人本位主义向社会本位主义的转变,公共利益的保护也被提到了议事日程。Along with the change from individualism to socialism, the protection of social public interest has been put on agenda.

关于情感上失败的宏大转变成为完全自我陶醉的本位主义实体的感觉。It deals with the feeling of failed emotional grandiosity that turns one into a completely self-obsessed egotistical entity.

作为省内开设的乡土历史课程,还应把握科学、客观态度,避免本位主义指导下的诠释。The teacher should follow scientific and objective principle when teaching a local curriculum, and so can avoid sectionalism.

通说以为,中国古代固有律与西方法律最大的不同之处,就在于中国固有律所体现的「礼教精神」和「家族本位主义」的立法方式。Chinese ancient law in not alike western law, it had the trend towards emphasized the spirit of rites and family sectionalism.

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闭嘴吧。没人想听你们这些只会臆想的西方本位主义者的话。假如你快要饿死了,你会什么都吃。Shove it Scarlet. No one wants to hear your pro western ideology and subjectivity. If you were starving, you would eat anything.

没有本位主义,为了一个共同目标与其它同事平等合作。Works well with others to achieve common goals for everyone's benefit rather than seeking exclusive advantage for self or peers.

他们得出结论,认为交通瓶颈是“保守的右派分子、本位主义和其他错误思想”造成的。The bottlenecks, theworkers concluded, were the work of “conservative rightists and selfishdepartmentalism and other mistaken ideas.”

我国民事诉讼法的整体设计和具体规则表明其立法原则是国家本位主义。The overall design and specific rule of the civil procedure law in China shows that its lawmaking principle is a state-oriented theory.

“臆想的西方本位主义者”就是民族主义的大陆人用来为自己无耻,欺骗和偷窃所辩解的借口。"ProWestern ideology & subjectivity" is a euphemistic phrase nationalistic Mainlanders use to justify China's lack of morality, cheating, stealing, etc.

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首先从法律程序的价值论出发,将对法律程序价值的认识分为程序工具主义和程序本位主义。First, based on the value of law procedure, the knowledge of the value of law procedure is divided into procedure instrumentalism and procedure parochialism.

教学时应切勿犯教师“本位主义”的错误,重视情感教育的重要作用和学生的能动性。In the teaching, the mistake of departmentalism should be avoided and the important function of feeling education and the students' activity should be emphasized.

由此提出他的程序本位主义的价值理论,将程序正义这一思想的研究和探讨推向了一个高峰。From this, He put forward his theory of the value of procedural selfish departmentalism. Then he pushed the procedural justice's research and discussion to a peak.

陶以民族主义实现了主体人格转型为民族本位主义的现代教育家,对于基督教教育思想的超越,其本质是基督世界主义与普世价值的民族适应。The essence of the fact that Tao Xingzhi went beyond the Christian educational thoughts is the adaptation of Christian cosmopolitanism to the values of the reality.

传统宪政理念的法理基础是自然法和自然权利的理论体系,其核心是人类本位主义、人类利益中心主义。The basic of traditional constitutionalism is the the or ies system of natural law and natural rights, and the theory focus on the rights and freedom of human being.

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由于长期计划经济思维方式和本位主义的影响,我国高等学校教师队伍和学术研究中的近亲繁殖现象十分严重。Since the long influence of thinking of plan economy and centralization system, the phenomenon of close breeding among the faculties in the universities of China is very serious.

缔约过失责任的理论首先是由德国法学家耶林提出的,缔约过失责任理论和制度体现了社会本位主义的价值理念,弥补了传统民事责任体系的不足。The theory first proposed by German jurist Jhering, is a reflection of the value of the idea of selfishness, to make up for the shortcomings of traditional civil liability system.

布朗运动及其本位主义已广泛地出现在许多纯科学领域中,如物理,经济,通信理论,生物,管理科学与数理统计等。Brownian motion has been widely popular in many purely scientific fields, such as physics, economics, communications theory, biology, management science and mathematical statistics.