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在此你可以找到考点信息。You can find all the details here.

在中国有六十九个考点,考生可以在这些考点参加我们的考试…There are 69 Centres in Chinaswheresyou can take our exams.

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你可以致电、传真或写信给各考点索取更多信息。You can phone, fax, send a letter and they will tell you the details.

考题中,有几个考点印象较深。In examination questions, have a few impression that check a place deeper.

请在您约定的考试时间携带两种形式的照片身份证明前往考点参加考试。Show up at your scheduled exam time with two forms of picture identification.

与压强无关的参考点,那就再好不过了。Just like our substance doesn't care where the gas is. It's kind of universal.

帮助学生在短时间内掌握主要的常见语法考点。It will help students master the major HSK grammatical items in a short period.

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请与你最近的考点联系询问确切的考试费用。So you need to contact the centre nearest you to find out the exact enrolment fee.

考生在任何考点再次报考,间隔时间都不得少于90天。Candidates MUST NOT attempt to re-take the IELTS test at any center within 90 days.

当地条例规定,不准在考点100米内鸣笛或施工。No honking or construction work within a hundred metres of a testing site—by local ordinance.

德福考试当天,考生须在审验身份时提交准考证,准考证由考点保留。Telford test day, candidates must be verified identity submit ticket, ticket reservation by test.

每次测试前都会给你们考点,那里面会告诉你如何备考Each test comes in advance with a prep sheet telling you how to get ready for that particular test.

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考场设在各考点有标准语音设备的教室。The rooms should be set up in test center's classrooms equipped with standard phonetics facilities.

同时,省招生考试院将向每一个考点派出巡视员。At the same time, the provincial hospital entrance examination each of the sites will send inspectors.

原则是在地区范围内有有代表性的SHK培训机构,可有资格设立SHK考点。The principle is to choose those SHK training organizations which are representative in their own region.

SHK考试级别SHK能力考试考点的设立将随着SHK培训的开展而逐步推行。The set up of the SHK test venue shall be carried out gradually along with the development of SHK training.

2010年共安排有48个考试日期,考生可以在分布于全国32个城市的35个考点自由选择报考。IELTS test centres cover the main provincial capital cities nationally. There will be 48 test dates in 2010.

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在新修订系统下,为什么只选取8个测风站作为参考点?为什么不选用所有的测风站?。In the newly revised system, why only 8 anemometer stations but not all are chosen as the reference stations?

本科专业考试除在本院设立考场外,还会在其它一些省市设立考点。Besides an examination section in the academy, examination sites will be set up in other provinces and cities.

开尔文,T1,,298,degrees,Kelvin。,这就是你的参考点,你想找出,方程对温度和压强的依赖。T1 298 That's your reference point and you want to find out the pressure temperature dependence in an equation.