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将会有越来越多的人去追寻。This is quite striking.

我阴郁的心总在追寻着你My somber heart seeks you always

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我的灵魂努力地追寻着你。My soul followeth hard after Thee.

我透过雨丝去追寻彩虹I trace the rainbow through the rain

那群猎犬循臭味追寻牡鹿。The hounds followed the stag's scent.

他把车熄了火,下车追寻泰瑞。He turns off the car and follows Teri.

重论爱的追寻的本质。The nature pursuit of love revisiting.

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他热情地追寻着他的医学研究。He pursues his medical studies with zeal.

我无意追寻,但你却不知怎的找到了我。I wasn't lookin' but somehow you found me.

没必要去追寻什么真相。我从来不追求真相。No need to find The Truth. I never want to.

而乌索普也跟着路飞他们踏上了追寻梦想之旅。And usoppu follows them to pursue his dream.

而我们依然在追寻一起看过的那颗星星……And we still chase the same star we once saw.

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相遇、相随、追寻爱的梦想。Meet, hand in hand in search of love, dreams.

只要你想,你就可以追寻你的梦想。You can go after your dreams if you choose to.

创造是伊瑟尔追寻的标准。Innovation is what Iser's canon is looking for.

一花一世界,一叶一追寻。一曲一场叹,一生为一人。One world, a search. A sigh, a life for a person.

日出即行,日落即息,痴痴地追寻着我的梦想。I was following my dream, journeying with the sun.

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在我们大多数舞者身上,你只能徒劳地追寻它。You'll look for it in vain in most of our dancers.

一花一世界,一叶一追寻,一曲一长叹,一生为一人。One world, a search, one a sigh, his life as a man.

这整个世界是个追寻真理的有机体。That the whole world is one truth-seeking organism.