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分离还是合好?Separate or united?

我们永不分离。And we'll never part.

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何来的分离What's to come apart?

他们是不可分离的。They're not divisible.

以及“我们在乎的是什么“分离开来的?What do we care about?

关注的分离。Separation of concerns.

我们永不分离。And we shall never part.

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这些实相是分离的。These realms are separated.

这分离使神难过。That separation grieves God.

这个过程称为分离。This is called dissociation.

于是真爱也会分离。And thus true love may sever.

基于角色的责任分离。Role-based separation of duties.

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通过细胞培养分离病毒。virus isolation by cell culture.

他们发誓永不分离。They swore never to be separated.

他曾誓言我们永不分离。He vowed that we would never part.

我需要将氯分离。I need to dissociate the chlorine.

你能从空气中把氮气分离出来吗?Will you sunder nitrogen from air?

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贪爱财帛会分离情谊。Love of money destroys friendships.

圆柱滚子轴承是一种可分离型轴承。This type of bearings is separable.

我们得分离一段日子。We have to segregate for a few day.