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现在类似的神权政体甚至很难改掉。Even now quasi-theocracy dies hard.

滑铁卢是神权的伥鬼。Waterloo bears divine right on its crupper.

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很重要的一点是,神权政治并非铁板一块。It is also significant that theocracy is not monolithic either.

希伯来法是以一神教神权政治为社会基础的古犹太人的法律。Hebrew Law is a law of ancient Jews on the social basis of Judaism.

最后,墨子之法是“尊天事鬼”的神权法。Finally, law of the Mozi is "reverencing God and ghost" the god law.

这是继神权政治象形文字之后的封建制度象形文字。They are the hieroglyphics of feudalism succeeding those of theocracy.

神权的动摇,也是跟着农民运动的发展而普遍。Everywhere religious authority totters as the peasant movement develops.

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从今以后,人子要坐在神权能的右边。Hereafter shall the Son of man sit on the right hand of the power of God.

新英格兰以外的殖民地并没有实行严格的神权统治。In the colonies outside New England, no strict theocracies had been set up.

“或他们是否认为顶端的工作依据事实”,吸引人才的伟大由神权?Or do they think top jobs ipso facto "attract great talent by divine right?"

达赖喇嘛建立的所谓流亡政府实行的是神权统治。The so-called government in exile founded by the Dalai Lama practices theocratic rule.

另外,所有国家都在担心伊朗将神权民族主义与世俗权力结合起来产生的后果。And all are wary of an Iran combining theocratic nationalism with domestic power plays.

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他们的“山上之城”是一个神权政体,根本无法容忍反对者和别的政教势力的存在。Their "city upon a hill" was a theocracy that brooked no dissent, religious or political.

他们的“山上之城”是一个神权政体,根本无法容忍反对者和别的政教势力的存在。Their “city upon a hill” was a theocracy that brooked no dissent, religious or political.

甚至是穆斯林兄弟看起来好像更适合文明的社会,而非神权统治。Even the Muslim Brothers look as if they will opt for civil society rather than theocracy.

而此短命的联盟只是为给神权政治在缔造时带上世俗面具服务的。The short-lived alliance served only to put a secular face on the theocracy in the making.

根据这项改革,苏黎世成为一个神权统治茨温利和基督教裁判官。Under the Reformation, Zürich became a theocracy ruled by Zwingli and a Christian magistrate.

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他是个理想家,相信克什米尔应当成为一个神权合一的巴基斯坦国度中的一个伊斯兰国家。He is an ideologue who believes Kashmir should be an Islamic state within a theocratic Pakistan.

在神权至上的国家,它强迫人们服从伊斯兰律法,有时甚至施以野蛮的刑罚。At its most theocratic, it forces people to follow sharia laws, sometimes with barbaric penalties.

当依赖于神权的国王出现后,取代乡村神父时,神权并未沦丧。The priests lost no power when they set up a king dependent on them in place of the village godhead.