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她对这价格犹豫不决。She balked at the price.

这时,你会变得犹豫不决。You then become indecisive.

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沃尔登脸上现出一副犹豫不决的神色。Walden put on a dubious face.

他的声音犹豫不决,吞吞吐吐。His voice is hesitant, halting.

他犹豫不决,颠三倒四。They agreed without hesitation.

她因子女的问题而犹豫不决。She oscillated for her children.

感觉像是有些恍惚和犹豫不决。As in being spacy and indecisive.

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拘于胆识,她犹豫不决。She hesitated as long as she dared.

有时你肯定还是会犹豫不决。You are bound to vacillate at times.

她在这两种选择之间犹豫不决。She vibrated between the two choices.

我以前见过你。你似乎犹豫不决。I saw you before. You seemed hesitant.

在去留问题上,他犹豫不决了。He hovered between staying and leaving.

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犹豫不决时会在心里自问自答。Indecision in heart will ask the answer.

但是政府仍然犹豫不决。But the government has remained diffident.

我对花那么多钱买衣服犹豫不决。I hesitate to spend so much money on clothes.

这时候布鲁克不能再犹豫不决了。It's time for Brooke to stop shilly-shallying.

我们也会有犹豫不决、迟疑,甚至跌倒的时候。We, too, may vacillate or hesitate, even trip.

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我想至少有一部分问题是因为犹豫不决。At least part of the problem is indecisiveness.

在这世界上犹豫不决成就不了任何事。Nogood is ever done in this world by hesitation.

对于这样的选择他犹豫不决。He has got the dithers about such kind of choice.