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松辽盆地南部海坨子地区扶余油层与萨尔图油层中有机包裹体有较大差异。The organic inclusions of Fuyu and Saertu oil layers in Haituozi region have a great difference.

于是,二马一驴,一行三人,沿着曲曲弯弯的小径向沙坨子深处出发了。So the three of them, two on horseback, one on a donkey, set out along a twisting path into the dunes.

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双坨子气田是目前吉林油田天然气开发的主力区块,正处于开发实验阶段。Shuangtuozi Gas Field is the main block for gas production in Jilin oil field, and locating in the testing stage now.

确定岩石压缩系数公式,计算了双坨子气田岩石压缩系数。The formula to calculate the compressive factor is defined and the factor of rock in Shuangtuozi gas field is acquired.

待她找到玉荣时,发现妹妹光着一只脚在走路,那只光脚已冻成了坨子了。Treats when she found the jade glory, discovered that a younger sister light foot was walking, that light foot has become the clod frozen.

欧利坨子油田断裂发育,地质情况复杂,现已进入开发中后期高含水阶段。The Oulituozi oilfield have complex geologic condition with growing faults and now in the intermediary and later stage of high water holdup.

从南头吹过来一阵风,坨子上的沙蒿、骆驼草、苦艾都急剧地摇曳起来。A wind rose in the southeast, all the plants on the dunes swayed, and the white sand clouds that had gathered finder the sun moved into the Mangos.

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在小型焦化装置上,研究了辽河坨子里渣油加氢残渣的焦化性能和产物分布规律,以及加氢试验条件对焦化产物分布的影响。The coking properties of hydrocracked residue from slurry bed hydrocracking of atmospheric residue from Xinjiang heavy oil were studied on a small experiment equipment.

采用高精度进口电子压力、温度监测仪先后对位于欧利坨子区块的欧36井进行了系统试井及探边测试,测取了完整的地层压力、温度变化曲线。An integrated pressure and temperature data had been acquired by conducting back pressure and boundary detection test on well O 36 with high resolution electronic gauges.

在小型焦化装置上,研究了辽河坨子里渣油加氢残渣的焦化性能和产物分布规律,以及加氢试验条件对焦化产物分布的影响。The coking properties of hydrocracked residue from Tuozili Area in Liaohe Oil Field being taken as feed stock of delayed coking were studied on a small experiment equipment.

建议在生产时间为半年时,对井重新做一次不稳定试井测试,以指导双坨子深层气藏储层评价及合理开发。It is advised that next transient testing operation is necessary to be done in half a year so as to evaluate deep gas reservoir in Shuangtuozi gas field and reasonably develop it.

介绍了井下节流工艺原理、工具技术指标及适用范围,给出了具体实施方案设计在双坨子气田开发中的应用。This paper introduces the principle, technical index of tools, and applicable scope of downhole throttling process, and provides a concrete plan implemented in Shuangtuozi gas field.

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松辽盆地西部发育套堡—双岗高位坡折带和红岗—海坨子低位坡折带两级坡折带,本次研究系统分析了坡折带的成因演化及对其地层分布的控制作用。The Songliao Basin can be identified as two slope belts, and this paper analyzes the origin and evolution of slope belt and its effect on sediment system and stratigraphy distribution.

套堡-双岗高位坡折带和沟槽的共同作用控制了沈积体系的展布,红岗-海坨子低位坡折带控制了低位域发育的范围。The evolvement of the sediment system is controlled by the Taobao-Shuangang high water level slope and groove, but the Honggang-Haituozi low water level slope controls the range of lower system tract.