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洗澡、穿衣。Shower. Dress.

现在让我们洗澡吧。Let's tke bth now.

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洗澡水给你准备好了。Your bath is ready.

请给我放一盆洗澡水。Please run me a bath.

爸爸充当我的洗澡盆!Daddy is my bath tub !

我给你洗澡吧,小伙子。Let me bathe you, kid.

她正在给她婴孩洗澡。She's bathing her baby.

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我只是希望她洗洗澡。I just want her to bathe.

还记的祖母帮理查洗澡那段么?Do you remember this scene?

泰尼可以再哪里洗澡呢?Where can Tiny take a bath?

这是一首洗澡的童歌。It's called the "Bath Song".

洗澡盆的水龙头漏水。The bath bub tap is leaking.

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他全身泡在洗澡盆的热水中。He lay immersed in a hot bath.

洗澡的水要热。The bath must be nice and hot.

艾利卡什么时候洗澡?。When does Alica take a shower?

该给你的狗洗澡了!Your dog needs to be shampooed!

她总是用冷水洗澡。She always washes in cold water.

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拇指姑娘喜欢洗澡。Thumbelina loves to take a bath.

泰尼很脏,需要洗澡。Tiny is dirty, and needs a bath.

当我在大使馆的时候,我洗澡和换衣服。I wash and dress when I get there.