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这并不一定是要你大动干戈地全面改变自己的生活。This doesn’t necessarily have to involve full-on, life changing, epic events.

黄于是问厨子,为什么它们为了这么一只小乌龟大动干戈。Huang asked the cooks why they were making such a fuss about one little turtle.

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农村一些人甚至会为了抢夺一座风水好的坟墓而大动干戈。Some people in the countryside would even fight for a tomb with good 'feng shui'.

此前,有关部门就曾试图关停流动人口子弟学校,但像这样大动干戈则是自2006年以来的头一回。It has tried to close migrants’ schools before, but not since 2006 on such a scale.

所以说,这里所提到的一些方法都可以不大动干戈而得到很好的休息。Many of the techniques discussed here can be applied without taking a formal break.

那么这里给你提供五条无需大动干戈就或许能让你平静一些的投资策略。Here, then, are five strategies that might give you more calm without upending your portfolio

⊙、男人与老婆吵架时往往大动干戈,女人与老公吵架时往往哭骂无常。Man and wife quarrel often interdependent, a woman with a husband quarrel often cry to scold.

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但这种分割方法是不能改变的,假如想调整则要大动干戈。But it is unalterable that this kind breaks up a method, if want, adjust should touch war greatly.

有些雌性会比其他鲸鱼吸引更多的追求者,研究者好奇是什么让这些特别的女士值得为她们大动干戈。Some females attract more suitors than others, and researchers have wondered what makes these particular ladies worth the fuss.

然而,就算美国国会在这周就准备大动干戈,如果你明天再更换家里的灯泡也是没有关系的。However, you would be forgiven for thinking the big switchover was due tomorrow, given the shenanigans going on in Congress this past week.

岳不群很阴险的对门下弟子说刀剑无眼如果左社冷禅伤了他或是杀了他不许大动干戈找左冷禅报仇。Yue not the cluster is very sinister to door disciple said no eye if left sword club cold chan hurt him or kill him not fighting for revenge left cold chan.

首先,评级机构对欧元区债务看似大动干戈的超级举动,主要是对他们此前屡次未能成功预测信用问题来临的反应.First, a case is made that what appears to be super-activity by the ratings agencies on euro zone debt is mainly a reaction to previous failures to see trouble coming.

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一些无伤大雅的语句或行为、没有得到满意的答复、或只是自己情绪变化,都有可能是导火线,引起怒火烧身、唇枪舌剑,甚至大动干戈。Some insignificant remark or action, not getting a satisfactory reply to a question or just moodiness are enough to set fire and cause anger, snappy remarks, arguments and even physical fights.