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我已下令征召新兵。L-I have ordered conscriptions.

哦,丹尼尔,招募新兵如何?Oh, how was the recruit Daniel?

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征召新兵就是重新使军力成长的意思。To recruit is to re-grow the army.

我的新兵生活极其刻板。My life as a recruit was regimented.

我们将于秋季招收新兵。We will muster in service in autumn.

新兵阿申是一个有点孤独的人。Ah Seng, a recruit, was a bit of a loner.

凯权将玩的尽兴的新兵们带回军营。Kay power will enjoy cadets back to barracks.

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他们在努力招募新兵。They were trying to drum up some new recruits.

中士很快就把新兵训练得规规矩矩。A sergeant soon knocks new recruits into shape.

大炮声把那个新兵吓呆了。The sound of the cannon stunned the new soldier.

不久我就来到了位于南卡罗莱纳州帕里什岛的海军新兵训练营地。Soon I was in a boot camp at Parris Island, S. C.

军队已为这个战役召募了新兵。The army has beaten up recruits for the campaign.

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军队正在为这个战役召募新兵。The army is beating up recruits for the campaign.

一队医生来给新兵打防疫针。A corps of doctors arrived to inoculate the recruits.

这些坦克乘员也是新兵,这是他们的首战。Their crews were rookies, and it was their first battle.

国家的第一个行动是为海军征募新兵。The country's first act would be to recruit for the navy.

新兵一到就应该到勤务兵房间报到。On arrival, new recruits should report to the orderly room.

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约翰是在上周被强征入伍的,所以他是一个训练无素的新兵。John was conscripted last week, so he is a very raw recruit.

美国的存在也就不过是张塔利班招募新兵的海报罢了。The US presence is just a recruiting poster for the Taliban.

英国皇家海军陆战队正在卡加克训练当地的新兵。At Kajaki the Royal Marines are training local army recruits.