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还有酒精There's alcohol.

水和酒精。Water and ethanol.

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酒精是一种溶剂。Alcohol is a solvent.

酒精是抑制性的Alcohol is inhibitory.

当然是无酒精的。Nonalcoholic, of course.

*临睡前谢绝酒精。Avoid alcohol before bedtime.

还要记住,酒精也是绝对不能让它们沾的!Remember, alcohol is a no-no!

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樟脑在酒精中可以溶化。Camphor is soluble in alcohol.

我们用酒精自我治疗。We self-medicate with alcohol.

非酒精性脂肪肝会导致肝功能衰竭。NAFLD can lead to liver failure.

减少咖啡和酒精的摄入。Cut back on caffeine and alcohol.

酒精是抑郁的原因。Alcohol is of course a depressant.

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但酒精注定是他的祸根。But alcohol was to be his undoing.

请朝酒精测试仪吹气。Please blow into the breathalyzer.

请给我无酒精的鸡尾酒。A non-alcoholic one for me, please.

细菌在酒精里不会繁殖。Bacteria will not breed in alcohol.

可以用酒精把那个擦痕去掉。Clean well the scratch with alcohol.

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她说,“他会有那种酒精引起的抽搐。Then he would have the alcohol shakes.

含有酒精的饮料会减弱对疾病的抵抗力。Alcohol lessens resistance to diseases.

酒精可以用各种方法伤害皮肤。Alcohol harms skin in a variety of ways.