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这些分子叫做葡萄糖转运载体Those are called glucose transporters.

不容许分装运和转运。Transshipment and Partial shipment prohibited.

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如果有必要的话,安排货物在途中的转运。Arrange for transshipment en route if necessary.

伤者由飞机转运至波哥大。The injured were being evacuated by air to Bogata.

货物如果转运,我们得多付运费。We have been able to transship cargoes at Hong Kong.

他只穿了一条游泳裤。请把我的箱子转运到火车站。He was wearing nothing but a pair of swimming trunks.

这个基因参与胆固醇的转运。The gene is involved in the transport of cholesterol.

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经过数年的苦难之后,他开始转运了。After several years of hardship fortune smiled at him.

他们已将货物转运到一艘内河汽船里。They have transshipped the cargo into a river steamer.

我们想知道这批货在哪里转运。We'd like to know where the goods will be transshipped.

这样,这个复合体就构成了普通的TIC转运体。Thus, this complex constitutes a general TIC translocon.

大部分河上转运设施已开始或即将开始运行。Most mid-stream facilities are operating, or will be soon.

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分批装运和转运是被允许的。Partial shipments are allowed and transshipment is allowed.

海关认为必要时,可以查验过境、转运和通运货物。Where deemed necessary, the Customs may examine such goods.

海关认为必要时,可以查验过境,转运和通运货物。where deemed necessary, the customs may examine such goods.

在啤酒酵母中,葡萄糖转运因子调解木糖摄取。In S. cerevisiae glucose transporters mediate xylose uptake.

运费付至布宜诺斯艾利斯,再转运到巴拉圭的亚松森。Freight prepaid to Buenos aires in transit to Asuncion Paraguay.

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费尔干纳盆地是阿富汗毒品的重要转运地。The valley is a major hub for drug trafficking from Afghanistan.

如果允许转船,应标明转运港。If transshipment is allowed, the port of transshipment is marked.

葡萄糖转运蛋白4是肌肉和脂肪组织中主要的葡萄糖转运子。GLUT4 is the major glucose transporter of muscle and adipose tissue.