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当折射棱镜折射角很小时,称之为光楔。The angle of refraction at total optical reflection is analyzed.

文中介绍了如何获得及同化GPS折射角资料的原理。This paper introduces how to obtain and assimilate the GPS bending angle.

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当折射棱镜折射角很小时,称之为光楔。It is called the optical wedge, when the refraction angle of the refracting prisms is tiny.

这一微小的折射角度的差别造成白色光线在折射后分散成构成它的七色光,象一个彩虹的图案。Being bent with slightly different angles, the visible white light is broken up into it's components.

激光射入聚碳酸脂外貌将产生较大的折射角。Laser light incident on the polycarbonate surface will be refracted at a greater angle into the surface.

波在进入相对高速介质时,其入射角和折射角均是临界角时产生的波,也叫折射波。A wave entering a relatively high-velocity medium whose incident and refracted angle is the critical angle.

发现负折射角度有较大的范围,适合作为可调折射角之光学元件。The tunability was analysed at the specified frequency and a large tunable range of the negative refraction is achieved.

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这怎么可能,四千年前的埃及人就已经能够这么精确地掌握折射角度的计算了吗?How is this possible, four thousand years ago, the Egyptians have been able to so accurately grasp the refraction angle calculated?

利用溶液浓度与其掠入射临界光线折射角的关系,采用标准溶液进行测量和拟合标定,给出数学解析关系式。The method is based on the relationship between solution concentration and the critical light refraction angle of the transparent medium.

GPS折射角资料具有分辨率高、全天候探测、覆盖全球等优点,实现对GPS折射角资料的变分同化,将具有非常重要的意义。There are many advantages of the GPS bending angle, such as high resolution, availability in all weather conditions, and global data coverage.

利用光子晶体的完全色散关系,研究了一维光子晶体中折射角与入射角之间的关系。The relationship between refracting angle and incident angle in the one-dimensional photonic crystals was studied by means of complete dispersion relation.

利用矩阵条件数对方程求解的稳定性进行了讨论,推导出理论上的折射角和小角散射宽度的最大值。The stability of the reconstruction procedure is discussed using the condition number of matrix, and the theoretical maxima of the refraction angle and USAXS distribution width are given.