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这并非一件一劳永逸的事情。This is not an one-time event.

我们已经一劳永逸地解决了这个问题。We have solved this problem once for all.

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我们继续生活,希望能一劳永逸地抓住它We keep on living in hopes of catching it once for all.

我们继续生活,希望能一劳永逸地抓住它“We keep on living in hopes of catching it once for all."

看看你能不能把那个小捣乱分子一劳永逸的打发走。See if you can handle this young trouble-maker once and for all.

学习不可能一蹉而就,也不可能一劳永逸。Learning can not slip and, could not put things right once and for all.

试图在第一个版本中一劳永逸地解决所有问题是行不通的。Projects that try to do everything in the first release are headed for trouble.

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您为什么不直接与他进行协商,一劳永逸地解决这个问题?Why don ' t you negotiate directly with him and solve this issue once and for all?

此外,要是工人阶级真的一劳永逸地赢得了这场斗争的胜利,又将怎样呢?Furthermore, what if the working class actually won this struggle once and for all?

我们必须使社会保障制度一劳永逸地成为健全的制度,不把这项任务留到明天。We must make Social Security permanently sound, not leave that task for another day.

越来越多的新娘选择茶长度婚礼礼服一劳永逸的动机。More and more brides select tea length wedding ceremony dresses once and for all motives.

在未来几年,该法律将一劳永逸的完全堵上这个甜甜圈漏洞。And in the coming years, this law will close the doughnut hole completely once and for all.

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有些人认为只要参加个六周的健身课就可以一劳永逸了,但这是不对的。"It's not like you can take a six-week course and be fit the rest of your life," Missett said.

Shaw认为这一劳永逸地解决了科莫多龙如何杀死猎物的问题。This new paper puts to bed once and for all the issue of how the Komodo dragon kills, Shaw says.

何不干脆一劳永逸地无视大脑前扣带的起床号,让大脑对恐惧的反应缄默呢?Why not just skip the anterior cingulate reveille and muzzle the brain’s fear response for good?

一劳永逸的解决方案是做一个连字,用一个字符代替两个字符。Get rid of all that annoying row but making a ligature , one glyph which represents two characters.

现在,我坚信,在对待非法移民的问题上,我们要采取一劳永逸的措施。Now, I strongly believe that we should take on, once and for all, the issue of illegal immigration.

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带他们到隧道里去把象瘟疫一样的蛙人从那个被诅咒的地方的一劳永逸的清除干净。Take them into the tunnels and cleanse that cursed place of the froglok pestilence once and for all.

你怎样才能一劳永逸地打破这种僵局,尤其是在盛夏数不胜数的社交活动聚会当中保持冷静呢?How can you stop this pattern once and for all, especially in the middle of summer social activities?

现在联盟和部落开始面对邪恶的巫妖王并一劳永逸的消灭天灾。Now the Alliance and Horde have come to confront the malefic Lich King and put an end to the Scourge.