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但是,假如你毫无目标,你将次次脱靶。But if you aim for nothing, you'll hit it every time.

这个偏差除以制导回路的放大系数,就是这个原因所引起的脱靶量。This bias divided by the guidance loop gain will be the miss due to this cause.

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描述了一种利用多普勒雷达原理进行脱靶矢量测量的方法。A way to measuring the miss distance vector by doppler radar theory is described.

给出仿真算例分析脱靶方向角识别的精度。An example is given to analyze the precision in identification of target miss in azimuth.

实验证明利用这种方法测得的弹丸脱靶量精度能够满足需要。It has been proved that the precision of the miss distance is satisfactory by the experiment.

研究小组发现了用传统手段未能预测的脱靶中断。The team found off-target breaks in locations that were not predicted by conventional methods.

击中或脱靶由电脑确定,我们将在飞行后的讨论会上观看并评价这一过程。Hits and misses, determined by computers, would be watched and evaluated in post-flight meetings.

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其次,研究了基于轨控直接侧向力的脱靶量补偿方法。Second, the compensation of the miss distance based on trajectory-control lateral-jets is researched.

分析了某些参数对拦截导弹脱靶量均方根的影响。The effect on the interceptor's root-mean-square miss distance for the change of some parameters is analyzed.

提出了一种基于冲激雷达体制的单通道标量脱靶量测量的新方法。A new miss distance measurement method based on impulse radar system with one receiving antenna was presented.

使用专门的软件可以计算出导弹的弹道和弹着点及脱靶量。With special softwares, the trajectory, the impact point and the miss-distance of the guided missile can be calculated.

描述了一种利用多频连续波测量雷达回波信号进行事后脱靶量测量的方法。A way to measuring the miss distance using echo signal from multifrequency continuous wave measuring radar is described.

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提出了导弹体目标在匀速直线运动条件下基于窄脉冲的标量脱靶量测量新方法。A new miss distance measurement method based on narrow pulse is presented in condition of uniform and rectilinear motion.

因此在实际设计中,应匹配具体制导系统的时间常数和稳瞄系统的频带,以避免产生较大脱靶量。So in actual design, guidance system time constant should match the TADS frequency bandwidth to avoid large miss distance.

以拦截弹在视线系Z向上的脱靶量达到最大值作为性能指标,对机动发动机开启时刻进行优化确定。Taking miss distance of the interceptor along line-of-sight Z direction as performance index, start-up time of the motor w.

今天,我用我的新彩弹枪瞄准射击,有一颗彩弹脱靶并击中了我新邻居的房子,于是我去敲他的门打算当面道歉。Today, I was doing target practice with my new paintball pistol. One of the bullets missed, and hit my new neighbor's house.

本文探讨了动能拦截器在末制导段拦截战术弹道导弹的轨道和姿态控制规律,建立了拦截的脱靶量仿真数学模型。In this paper, the control law of DACS is investigated, and miss distance simulation model of intercepting TBM is established.

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该初制导方法能补偿制导方法误差和轨道摄动对拦截脱靶量的影响。The miss distance caused by guidance method error and the effects of perturbation are compensated in this initial guidance law.

通过昼夜测量恒星获取脱靶量解算航向角,修正惯性导航系统的航向差是船载经纬仪的主要功能。Its principal functions are to obtain undershoot error, count course angle and revise course error of inertia navigation system.

该导引律简便易行,仿真表明了该导引律能快速地消除相对速度偏角,实现小的脱靶量。The simulation shows that this law can eliminate the relative velocity deflection angle quickly and achieve little miss distance.