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欢迎扮鬼扮马,竞逐最佳服装奖!Dress up for best dressed prizes!

老牌大国和新兴大国竞逐主导地位。The incumbent and the rising powers compete for dominance.

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至于良性互动,在唐梁竞逐中有两个层面。Tang and Leung should have two kinds of benign interactions.

这些尚未定义的空间将无疑地会受到热烈的竞逐与争斗。These as-yet undefined spaces will no doubt be hotly contested and fought over.

一个强有力的独立电影代理销售商Cinetic今夏也将竞逐其中。Cinetic, a powerful independent-film broker, will also get into the game this summer.

坚持不提名他竞逐最佳教练的荣衔。However, it stands by its decision not to nominate him for the Coach of the Year award.

讨论中并以台北市的凯达格兰大道为案例,阐明集体记忆竞逐的情形。An excellent example to illustrate this symbolic representation is Kaitakelan Boulevard in Taipei.

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而现在,这位43岁的年轻教头,会带领拜仁来竞逐国内和国际赛事。The 43-year-old will now take on the challenge of leading Bayern to domestic and European success.

就像数学题目,是一场智力的考验,推理的比赛和时间的竞逐。Just like the math problem , is a test of intelligence , a game of ratiocination and a race of time.

与时间竞逐了整周的一些老朋友,现在已正计划在晚餐中聚旧。Old friends who have been racing against time all week are now finally making plans to meet at dinner.

他们会竞逐这个西方企业的好感,以及国内政府官员认定的“首选投标单位”身份。They compete for the Western firm’s affections and “preferred bidder” status with officials back home.

欧冠是个重大的奖项,而且我很渴望跟那些利物浦红番碰面,因为我们在杯赛竞逐中实在欠他们太多时光了。It's a big prize and I'd love to meet The Liverpool Redskins as we owe them big time in cup competitions.

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只要在那些双方竞逐权力的地方,摩门教徒与非摩门教徒之间的关系才会紧张。To find tensions between Mormons and non- Mormons , you have to go where the two groups compete for power.

失望之余,哈尔奎斯特夫妇又被告知,他们可以竞逐在世的世界最高夫妇殊荣。Disappointed, Qwest and Mrs Hall was told that they can compete for the world's highest living couple awards.

利物浦加入到竞逐热刺中场尼克-克拉尼察的队伍中来。Liverpool have joined the race to acquire Aston Villa target, and Tottenham Hotspur midfielder Niko Kranjcar.

那些央行加入了淘金行列,与一众交易所基金的投资者竞逐。They're joining a rush as investors in exchange-traded funds amass holdings to rival the biggest central banks.

赛诺菲表示,由于制药业厂商面临同样的问题,收购竞逐变得越来越激烈.Sanofi said the acquisition chase is getting more competitive as industry players face the same set of problems.

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杨格车队是一支由德国人管理的丹麦车队,这是他们第一次参加勒芒赛道的竞逐。Young Driver, a Danish-backed team run by the German Fischer squad, takes in Le Mans in its first year in the big time.

但是对于少数认真考虑竞逐2012年白宫大位的共和党人来说,政治博弈已经开始。But the political jockeying has already begun for a handful of Republicans seriously considering a White House bid in 2012.

温格要求他的队员们把注意力都集中到周日与布莱克浦的比赛当中去,以证明他们依然有资格去竞逐联赛冠军。Arsène Wenger has called on his players to focus on Sunday's trip to Blackpool and prove their Premier League title credentials.