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你是个忠义的人,必是报好信息。A worthy man like you must be bringing good news.

忠义观念有一个不断演变的过程。The view on loyalty covers a course of evolution.

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诚犬护院为忠义,憨猪虽呆惹人怜。Sincere dogs for loyalty, foster care Silly pig though stay provoking pity.

论忠义、文采,中国有“精忠报国”的岳飞。" Valuing loyalty and talent, China has Yue Fei who "devotes himself to his country with supreme loyalty".

该诗是诗人自鸣中怀之作,诗中所表忠义确系真心。This poem expressed the poet's affection in the cockles of the heart and the loyalism in the poem was sincere.

按照计划,东山上的人和忠义救国军带着杀光鬼子的决心,夹攻日本军队,大获全胜。According to the plan, and loyalty on dongshan home army with a determination to kill devil, against the Japanese army, swept the board.

大成殿的西侧建筑由南向北是忠义祠、节孝祠、县教谕官署。Dacheng Hall of the west side of building from south to north is the Temple loyalty, filial piety Festival Hall, county institution didactic.

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但是宋江是个忠义之人,摆脱不了“忠义”的束缚,到朝廷重新招安那天,他再一次为朝廷效命。However, Song Jiang is a loyalty of the people, get rid of "loyalty" and tied to the court re enlisted the day, once again he is rescued by the court.

一般说来,历来以讲人伦道德和孝敬忠义为重的中国,人情味要比讲物质利益和以法为重的西方更深厚浓郁。In General, always stresses human moral and filial loyalty in China, human face than say material interests and take the law of the West more deep and rich.

金庸的小说写的很完美,忠义,侠骨柔情,那些美满的爱情,却是令人向往,却有感到可望而不可及,对于自己的一生感到很迷茫。Written by Jin Yong's novel is perfect, loyal, chivalrous tenderness, love those happy, but it is desirable, there are elusive, for his life was very confused.

正在准备拜天地时,李彪忽然呈现,二人见面格外眼红,他们每人双手各执一把忠义刀,比赛开端了。When the bride is preparing LiBiao suddenly appear, 2, meeting people extraordinarily jealous, they each hands each hold a knife, the game beginning the loyalty.

两种忠义观的存在也给李逵、宋江这两个典型人物及整个梁山事业带来了巨大影响。Two kind of loyalty and patriotisms views existence also gave Li Kui, Song Jiangzhei two typical characters and the entire Liangshan enterprise has brought the huge influence.

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只有宋江形象改造的成功并趋于稳定,他才能成为一部大书的主角,也才能享有“忠义”的声誉。Only when his image is remade with success and becomes stable, can Song Jiang become a leading role in this famous work, and be entitled to the prestige of "loyalty and brotherhood."

温州市忠义外国语学校隶属温州市教育局,是温州忠义集团有限公司投资兴办的十二年一贯制寄宿学校。Wenzhou Zhongyi Foreign Language School, a twelve-year boarding school, is under the administration of Wenzhou Education Bureau, which is invested by Wenzhou Zhongyi Corporation Ltd.

同时中国传统的一些封建迷信思想、忠义思想等对其制定也产生了不容忽视的作用。Simultaneously the Chinese tradition's some feudal superstition thought that the loyalty and patriotism thought and so on have also had not allow to neglect function to its formulation.

此外,本章还具体从南唐人物、党争、文教、崇佛、衰亡原因、忠义问题六个方面对宋代南唐史著中的史论做了深入探究。In addition, this chapter will benefit from the following aspects further study, such as Nan-tang's people, Party Struggle, cultural education, Worship of Buddhism, decline reasons, and loyalty.