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只有神力才能打败它。It takes might to fight.

不用把自己当成超人或神力女超人。Don’t try to be Superman or WonderWoman.

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很明显这也是造物主的神力之一了吧。Obviously that's one of the divine attributes.

他们通常代表神力或是精神力量。They usually symbolize mana, or spiritual power.

自月球的兔仔,天生神力,性格火爆,立志要做?地。A rabbit comes from the Moon, with supernatural power.

那射者在无穷之间看定了目标,也用神力将你们引满。The archer sees the mark upon the path of the infinite.

那么神力女超人的灵感来自什么呢?So where did the inspiration for Wonder Woman come from?

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吕洞宾的神力之一是让情侣分手。One of Lu Dongbin's powers is to cause couples to break up.

他是神力拥有者以及恶龙的击败者。He is the mana personality and the defeater of evil dragons.

你怎么看把神力女超人作为妇女的象征?What are your thoughts of Wonder Woman as a feminist symbol?

通常我通过阅读小说使我的留神力从办事上转移过去。I often take my mind off my work by reading an enjoyable novel.

古埃及人认为,黑猫具有神力。The ancient Egyptians believed that black cats had divine powers.

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常喝神力源酒,建设和谐家庭。Often drink divine power source wine constuct a harmonious family.

它们把人们崇拜的神力和魔力都人格化了。The personify the divine and magic powers worshipped by the people.

传说中,这座金字塔蕴藏着变换的神力。According to the legend, the pyramid contains transformation powers.

姆六甲具有至高无上的神力地位,是神圣的创世女神。She was a goddess in the status of supreme god with sacred creation.

一旦你相信这个超出神力的领域是存在的。Once you have a metadivine realm all of these things are going to follow.

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你可以藉由选取神力专长来获得额外的引导神力威能。You can gain additional Channel Divinity powers by taking divinity feats.

奈落以及其他至少要有强大神力的存在才可以改变卡瑟利的性质。Nerull and any other entity of lesser deity power or greater can alter Carceri.

事实上,在神力女超人之前,很少有穿着超人服装的女性。In fact, prior to Wonder Woman, there were very few costumed heroines of any kind.