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Towser抬高了声音,充满了愤怒。Towser's voice rose in anger.

天边并不能看真,看远去,发觉头已经抬高,看到了天上。I couldn’t see the horizon clearly.

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直腿抬高实验阳性。Straight-leg raising test positive.

几家公司串通一气抬高物价。Several companies gang up to raise prices.

几个投标人故意抬高价钱。A few bidders inflated the prices on purpose.

石油价格的抬高使汽车市场萎靡不振。Arise in oil prices depresses the car market.

地主就会收回租地或抬高地租。The landlord will evict him or raise his rent.

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随着吸气,抬高双臂,双腿,胸腔也向上升起。As you inhale, lift your arms, legs, and chest up.

我才不会理睬他的评论以抬高他的身价。I'm not going to dignify his comments by reacting to them.

让病人保持平卧,双脚略微抬高。Keep the patient horizontal with the feet slightly raised.

不要没精打采的,把手从裤兜里掏出来,把头抬高。No slouching, hands out of pockets, and head held up high.

日本人把食物对眼的吸引力抬高到艺术的程度。The Japanese have raised the eye appeal of food to an art.

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不要贬低别人,也不要过分抬高自己。Detract not from others, neither be excessive in commanding.

他极力贬低我在这工作中的作用,而拼命抬高他自己的份量。He tried to play down my part in the work and play up his own.

腿抬高是否会导致右边或者左边的下腹部疼痛?Does leg rasing induce pain in the right or left lower quadrant?

将笑线抬高可以产生更好的女性化效果。Getting a higher smile line would do more to feminize her smile.

使用这种方法的时候记得把你的脑袋抬高,这样可使冰化成的水容易排开。Do so with your head elevated so the fluid can drain more easily.

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但是如果没有因3D而抬高的票价,这部影片能有此表现吗?But could the film have done it without inflated 3D ticket prices?

贬低他在这一事件中的作用而抬高自己的作用。She tried to play down his part in the affair and play up her own.

犯罪团伙企图通过抬高食品及石油价格来进行反击。The cabal tried to counter this by jacking up food and oil prices.