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二是反哺成本供给“一边倒”。Leaning to one side of back-nurture supply.

这是政府反哺的第四项任务。This is the fourth task of government back-nurture.

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自此,工业反哺农业时代正式开启。Since then, the era of Industry fostering Agriculture has begun.

一旦它们团聚,幼鸟会吞下反哺的鱼。Once they're reunited, baby gets to chow down on regurgitated fish.

这篇社论说,但是科学新闻也扮演了一个更加重要的角色——仔细审查而非反哺科学。in scrutinising, not just regurgitating, science — says the editorial.

小城镇反哺区域经济,是城乡一体化的纽带。Feeding the regional economy of towns , are the ties of urban-rural integration.

我国沿海发达地区已具备工业反哺农业的能力。The coastal areas in our country have the ability of industry re-feeding agriculture.

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一旦它们对于这513件被反哺给电脑的每件艺术品的价值被确立。Once their values had been established for each of the 513 artworks that had been fed into it.

教育是经济发展的基础,经济发展又反哺教育。Education is the base of economic development, and economic development also promotes education.

第二个阶段就是实行工业反哺农业,城市支持农村的方式,对农民多予、少取、放活。In the second phase, we should make industry nurture agriculture and cities support the countryside.

父母都会孵蛋,而且都会吃掉肉然后再反哺给它们的幼鸟。Both parents incubate the egg, and they both eat and then regurgitate the meat they serve their baby.

让我们都行动起来,做感恩反哺亲人、故乡、祖国的参与者!实践者!Let's move to be participators and practitioners of repaying relatives, hometowns and the motherland!

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“羊有跪乳之恩,鸦有反哺之孝”“一饭千金”之所以流传千古就是因为感恩的美德。Gratitude, about which there are many touching tales in China, is a virtue inherited since ancient times.

学习山羊反哺的精神,有感恩图报的心,工作会更愉快。Nurturing the spirit of the goat study, there is gratefully plan to repay the heart, it would be more enjoyable.

工业反哺农业必须依靠多途径的系统协同作用,因而反哺农业机制是一个系统工程。The financing must rely on the multi-channel system synergy, so the financing mechanism is a systematic project.

工业反哺农业、城市支持农村,实现工业与农业、城市与农村协调发展,是带有普遍性的趋向。Generally speaking, China is now in the stage of industry re-feeding agriculture and cities supporting rural areas.

工业反哺农业是一个政策性概念,政策选择与工业化进程中农业的功能演变密切相关。IBA is a policy concept and mutually related to the function evolution of agriculture in the process of industrialization.

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来源于实践,反哺于实践,并经过广泛实践检验的经验性规律,才会成为人尽皆知的常识。From practice to feed into practice, and after extensive empirical test of practice, rules, common sense will become well known.

因此,必须明确“三农”问题有哪些需要通过反哺政策解决,也就是反哺的边界问题。Hence, we should clarify firstly what problems could be solved through back-nurture policy, i. e. back-nurture frontier problem.

工业反哺农业的目的不仅仅是补偿和补贴,更重要的是建立创新农业。The aim of industry-nurturing-agriculture is not only subsidization and compensation, but also establish innovational agriculture.