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他们翻修了旧家具。They worked over the furniture.

我们需要全部重新翻修。We needed to completely rebuild.

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我可以将地板重新翻修一下。Unit 5·I can have the floors refinished.

我们的旧住宅不久将进行翻修。Our old house is to be rehabilitated soon.

工人们将大街封锁进行翻修。The workmen closed off the street for repairs.

他们翻修了西斯廷教堂的天花板。They renovated the ceiling of the sistine chapel.

2005年,他的公司翻修了市中心大沽路上的一幢房子。In 2005 his company renovated a house on Dagu Road, downtown.

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索丕向东穿过一条正在翻修的大街。Soapy walked eastward through a street damaged by improvements.

他不应该去特殊学校学怎么翻修轮胎。He's not going to some special school to learn how to retread tires.

术后10年至19年未出现新的手术失败或需要翻修病例。There were no new failures or additional surgeries from 10 to 19 years.

始建于明朝未年,西元1860年和1892年两次翻修。Not built in the Ming Dynasty, the year 1860 and renovated twice in 1892.

归途中,他们在一座正在翻修的清真寺前停下。On the way back, they stopped at an old mosque which was being renovated.

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村中一个家族的两名成员短期内先后意外身亡。为驱邪保平安,人们决定对村中旧庙进行翻修。In a village, two members of a family died in accidents in a short period.

未来将在“瓦雅格”号上服役的船员在其翻修期间可以在武汉南郊进行训练。During renovation, its future crew could train in Wuhan’s southern suburbs.

这房屋在2008年完全翻修,采用最优秀的材料。This home was completely remodelled in 2008 with only the finest materials.

Coolatore和新翻修的毕晓普楼现在都可供租用。Both Coolatore and the newly converted Bishopstown are now available for hire.

这个数字还不包括道路养护及公寓翻修专案。That figure doesn't include road maintenance projects or apartment renovations.

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绿屋顶大多设置在新建筑物上,但翻修时装置的例子也逐渐增多。Most installations are made on newly constructed buildings, but retrofits are rising.

在2008年9月9日,韩国对首尔的盘浦大桥进行了大翻修。September 9, 2008, South Korea did a massive renovation at the Banpo Bridge in Seoul.

当天的秋雨丝毫没有让熊猫一家扫兴,它们在大雨的瓢泼中悠闲自得地歇息玩耍,享受翻修后的新家。The famous bear family lounged and played in the downpour, enjoying their refurbished home.