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入乡随俗。Do in Rome as Romans do.

入乡随俗。When in Rome do as the Romans do.

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尊重当地文化,要入乡随俗。Respect other cultures. Try to blend in as much as possible.

入乡随俗还是保留自己国家的习俗?Follow the customs of the new country you are in, or keep your own customs?

他们认为,移民会很快入乡随俗,向主流社会靠近。They assumed that immigrants would quickly adopt the mores of their host societies.

入乡随俗,同时利用这个机会来练练你的英语吧。When in Rome, do as the Romans do and take the chance to practice your English skills.

最好的做法就是不加评论,入乡随俗,尽快融入团队。The best way is to not comment, do as the Romans do, as soon as possible into the team.

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同样,也无需在餐桌上强忍住不打饱嗝,最好的办法是入乡随俗。Also, there's no need to stifle burps at the dinner table nor to react to the burps of others.

一般阿拉伯家庭是席地用餐,并用手抓食,做客时最好入乡随俗。General Arabian family is seated meals, with the hand prey, as a guest best do as the Romans do.

有谣言说苏格兰最伟大的旅行家早已入乡随俗,并已娶了被奇妙地叫做“非洲妃子”的女人为妻。There were rumors that Scotland's greatest traveler had long gone native and married what was quaintly called an "African princess."

你身处在欧洲的某个国家,如果你不入乡随俗的话,好像有点不合时宜,这其中当然包括了解一下当地的漂亮女人啦。You are in a different country somewhere in Europe. It would be rude of you not to partake in the culture, including the beautiful women.

当然,我们自己也应该入乡随俗,特别是讲卫生、遵守社会公德。Of course, when in Rome we should also DO as the Romans DO, especially paying attention to hygiene and observing the public social morals.

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我知道你在家时早饭吃粥和酱菜,可眼下你在欧洲,入乡随俗,你就喝咖啡吃卷饼。I know you have porridge and pickles for breakfast at home. But since you are now in Europe, you will do as the Romans do and take coffee and rolls.

人们经常说,入乡随俗,意思是说,游客应该适应当地的风俗,行为要与当地人一致。It is often said that "When in Rome, do as the Romans do. " which means that tourists should adopt the local customs by behaving as local people do.

中国有句俗话,叫“入乡随俗”,意思是到了一个新地方要问清当地礼俗,不要闹出笑话或引起不快。China has a common saying, is called "do as the Romans do, " meaning is to a new place to ask the local customs, don't make a joke or causing unhappiness.

我还是个少女的时候,妈妈就和我说德语,可是,入乡随俗,到了美国,你就会和大多数人一样,不由自主的说起了英语。My mother and I spoke German to each other until I was a teenager, when, like many children of immigrants, I started refusing to speak anything but English.

尽管所谓的法国子弹列车时速可接近575km/h,它们在美国使用也已入乡随俗。Although so-called bullet trains in France can travel at speeds approaching 575 kilometers per hour, their adoption in the U.S. has been more local than express.

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不过旅客却很少被牵扯进这场言语之争。即便你想入乡随俗,结果却使自己张口结舌,那么随即改说英语也没有关系。But tourists rarely get caught up in the war of words, and even if your attempts to go native leave you tongue-ties, you can quickly drop back into English without penalty.

总之,入乡随俗,但你也不必对这些文化障碍担心,因为大多数中国人都是好客和和蔼的,他们不会介意你的不熟悉。To sum up, do in Rome as Rome does, but you need not worry about these cultural barriers since most Chinese are hospitable and amiable and will not mind your nonproficiency.

由于加利福尼亚现在都在关注贝克汉姆,为了入乡随俗,穆帅也对贝克汉姆的状态发表的自己的看法,他希望这位英格兰国脚能够完全康复,参加周六两队的比赛。As is typical of the trip to California, Mourinho also fielded questions on the fitness of David Beckham. He is hopeful that the England man will be fit for the game on Saturday.