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胡佛留下的遗风毁誉参半。Hoover leaves a bipolar legacy.

那种时装是世纪年代的遗风。That fashion is a survival from thes.

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它是中世纪庇护所的遗风。It was survivals of the mediaeval sanctuaries.

这部分的归因于苏联时代的遗风,她说。This is partly the legacy of the Soviet era, she said.

我们现在的情形仿佛就是那个时期的遗风。Where we are now seems like a hangover of that period.

飘飘然地转过一座宋明遗风的房屋,他发现自己已经跟丢了她。Song turned to get a legacy of housing, he found that he had lost with her.

顾客也要遵循中古遗风,只能用一把刀子切食。The client also should abide by mediaeval relic, can cut with a knives only feed.

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对国民如何专横,向外人如何柔媚,不犹是差等的遗风么?How to arbitrary pairs of people, outside people how Roumei, not Utah is a poor legacy Mody?

我想英国人比其它国家的人都深受其害——这是一种维多利亚式时代过分拘谨的遗风。I think the English suffer from this more than other peoples – a remnant of Victorian prudishness.

在武康汇丰广场旁的“古遗风”画廊,主人费美珍摆明了自己的观点。" In WuKang HSBC plazas "ancient heritage" gallery , master fee beauty Jane keeps his point of view.

藏族服饰和头饰艺术保留着祖先猎人时代的装饰遗风。Tibetan costumes and head adornments have kept the styles handed down by Tibetans' hunting ancestors.

这是这个国家前列宁主义时期的遗风,并不适宜于今天开放的中国。This is a relic of the country's Leninist past and is inappropriate to the much more In open China of today.

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自由派舆论认为这些限制都是冷战的遗风,他们认为冷战已在消失的过程中。Liberal opinion regarded them as archaisms of the Cold War which, they argued, was in the process of liquidation.

休闲,据说是中世纪贵族遗风,如今法国人予以发扬光大,赋予现代的形式与内涵。Leisure, is said to be a medieval relic, now the French to carry forward, given the form and connotation of modern.

这可能是中国的现代战略计划与旧式中央计划的遗风发生了冲突。It may be that China’s modern, strategic planning is falling foul of the remnants of old-fashioned, central planning.

近代以来,墨侠遗风和革命精神相结合,对近代资产阶级革命产生了一定历史影响。And since the modern tin the spirit of chivalry and revolution influence the bourgeois revolution to a certain degree.

在我省的安顺、贵阳等地形成了具有大明遗风的典型性和独特的文化环境和氛围——屯堡文化。In Anshun and Guiyang, a typical and unique culture outgrows from the Ming's stuff, which at present we call Tunpu culture.

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进入当代社会以后,随着现代化进程的急促脚步,闽西客家的宗法制遗风遭遇急风骤雨的冲击和荡涤。In the contemporary times, with the speedy modernization, the customs of Hakka clan system in west Fujian were impacted greatly.

解放前后只在郊区建设乡一带流行,其保留的遗风已不完整。Just before and after liberation the building of rural area in the suburbs popular legacy of its reservation has been incomplete.

所以他们原封不动地模仿古希腊和古罗马摔跤手的遗风,重现了“古典式摔跤”。They resurrected Greco-Roman wrestling, a style they believed to be an exact carryover from the Greek and Roman wrestlers of old.