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桥梁往往是兵家争夺之地。Bridges were often points of battle.

有茔兵家属不能忍者,径入京而告之。There Ying families cannot ninja, army and the Beijing.

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万圣节前夜也成为好莱坞和沃尔玛的兵家必争之地。Hallows Eve has been possessed by Hollywood and Walmart.

焦山扼守着长江的咽喉,自古是兵家必争之地。Mte guardian of the Yangtze River by the throat, has always been contested.

南澳历来是海防重镇,兵家必争之地。South Australia has always been a city of Haiphong, the military vital importance.

地理位置十分重要,为历代兵家必争、商旅必经之地。Location is very important, in order to compete for military history, business must pass through.

自古以来,泊头就是通贾四方的重要商埠和兵家必争的战略要地。Since ancient times, Botou Tunca is an important commercial port and the Quartet A competitive strategic location.

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张家口市因地处北京与大西北、内蒙的交通要冲,地势险要,历来为兵家必争之地。Because of northwest of Beijing and in zhangjiakou, Inner Mongolia, the traffic is very dangerous, always terrain which.

城堡位于维斯图拉河旁,由日耳曼武士建造,是兵家必争的战略要地,在此曾发生过无数次激战。The castle was built by Teutonic knights at a strategic location beside the Vistula River and was the scene of many battles.

很多有眼光、有抱负的国际、国内大型房产商都会选择上海作为它们进行战略性发展的兵家必争之地。Many Real Estate Agents with excellent insight and great inspiration would like to take Shanghai as a critical strategic point.

由于其独特的地理位置,绵阳从来都是成都的自然屏障,是自古兵家必争之地。For the advantageous geographic location, it had always been a town of great military importance as a natural defence for Chengdu.

对活动在乍得北部与利比亚接壤的动荡区域的反政府武装来说,这里已经成为他们的兵家必争之地。Located in the Tibesti mountain range, Bardai has been a key area for rebel fighters near Chad's volatile northern border with Libya.

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由于其独特的地理位置,绵阳从来都是成都的自然屏障,是自古兵家必争之地。Due to its advantageous geographic location, it had always been a town of great military importance and formed a natural defense for Chengdu.

这个问题在中国比在国外更严重,导致人才市场变成了兵家必争之地。This is a far bigger issue for management in China than it is in overseas markets, making HR a competitive battlefield of critical importance.

军事欺骗是一门集中反映兵家智慧的学问,其内涵和意义随着时代的变迁而演进。Military Deception is a knowledge that reflects the wisdom of warfare . Along with the time passing by its the meaning and insights is changing.

作为州或郡的分界线,河流上的浅滩成为城镇的所在地,横跨河流上的桥梁则是兵家必争之地。Boundaries between states or shires, they were crossed by fords which became the sites of towns, or by bridges which were often points of battle.

它地处爱丁堡南面,是苏格兰边境上的战略要塞,历来为兵家所重视。This astonishing city, steeped in history and tradition, has seen many great battles and was once an important stronghold for the Scottish border.

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兵家著作既是兵书和政书,又是管理哲学书,包含了丰富的管理学思想。Works of military strategists are books on military science and politics as well as management philosophy, which contain rich management thoughts.

伊拉克地处中东的心脏地区,地理位置十分重要,是连接欧亚非三洲的交通枢纽,自古就是兵家必争之地。Iraq is the heart of Middle East from ancient times because of its important position as a traffic pivot which connects Europe with Asia and Africa.

襄阳,中国。一座艺术气息和历史氛围浓郁的美丽的古城,兵家必争之地,享有“华夏第一城池”的美誉。Xiangyang, China. A beautiful city full of art and history. A hotly contested spot which the military must occupat. It is called "The first city of China".