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他的确在翻山越岭时损失一营He lost it in the mountains.

生活,就像翻山越岭,风景一定会是美丽的。Life's a climb, but the view is great.

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纵是万般的相隔,也敌不过翻山越岭的祝福。Just so you know, we are under the same moon.

一个伐木人引导我们的战士翻山越岭。A wood cutter piloted our fighters over the mountains.

那是一个民族欢呼,翻山越岭见光芒。It's the music of a people who are climbing to the light.

但除了翻山越岭,为什么不可以找到捷径绕过去呢?But instead of moving mountains why not find the easy path around them?

主要的是自由列车之行就如同翻山越岭。The important thing about that freedom train is it' got to climb mountains.

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所以,翻山越岭去打柴便是我和哥哥俩人的任务。Thus, tramping over hill and dale to cut firewood was the task of my elder brother and me.

小小的子路,于是,翻山越岭,走了十几里的山路,从亲戚家里背回了一小袋米。Lu small, therefore, mountains, mountain away from relatives back home back to a meter pouch.

警察一连好多天穿越森林,翻山越岭寻找失踪的男孩。The policemen spent several days trekking through trees and over mountains looking for the lost boy.

因为这是一堂,用双脚的力气骑脚踏车,翻山越岭来回一百二十公里的英文课。It was an unparalleled English course with riding a 120 -kilo- meter round trip by Daniel's own feet.

我还看见一大片的龙舌兰,还有商人翻山越岭带来很多的陶器与织品。I see plots of agave and traders coming in from over the mountains bringing different pottery and textiles.

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他每天空着肚子翻山越岭,穿过重重树林,田野。He struggles on the steep climb back home, a punishing scramble through woods and fields, on an empty stomach.

那些村民住在山上的大洞里,若是外出则要翻山越岭。The people live in this cave that can only be approached by hiking through a series of stairs up the mountain.

不断地翻山越岭,因为你知道,站得越高,就能看到越美的风景。Fun of conquer Tramp over hill and dale continuously, as you know, the higher you reach, the nicer sight you get.

然而事实上汉尼拔选择的是翻山越岭,这有点和这个结论相悖,但这也没有办法了Having said that of course, Hannibal went through the mountains which kind of screws up the lesson, but too late now.

没有人能真正把你拉得很高——你会抓不牢绳索。可是,你凭自己的双脚却可以翻山越岭。No one can really pull you up very high — you lose your grip on the rope. But on your own two feet you can climb mountains.

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他不再翻山越岭了,只是机械地随着一湾淌过一片宽宽浅浅的山谷的溪水向前走。He crossed no more hills or divides, but automatically followed a large stream which flowed through a wide and shallow valley.

一个农夫骑着马带着一条狗翻山越岭去打猎,走了一整天也没有什么收获,但是农夫继续着他的打猎行程。A farmer led Ma He a dog to climb mountains goes hunting, walks one day not to be able to project on, but the farmer continued.

他们翻山越岭,为的是向零售商和其他冬季运动爱好者推销和销售他们的产品。They went from mountain to mountain personally promoting and selling their products to retailers and other winter sports enthusiasts.