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我看见一个闪光的吉他。I see a glittery guitar.

她高兴得两眼闪光。Her eyes sparkled with joy.

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阳光使湿草闪光。The sun sparkled wet grass.

为什么是金子就会闪光?Gold is shiny , Why is that?

阳光在冰面上闪光。Its light glared on the ice.

树梢白雪闪光。Where the treetop's glisten.

潮湿的稀泥在脚下闪光。Thewet mud shining underfoot.

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闪光的东西不一定都是金子。All is not gold that glitters.

发闪光的不全是黄金。All that glitters is not gold.

闪光的东西,未必都是金子。All that glitters is not gold.

闪光的东西不一定是金子。All that glitters is noy gold.

闪光的纷歧建都是金子。Bll that glitters is not gold.

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闪光的物品并不都是金子。All is not gold these glitters.

闪光的不一建都是金子。All which glitters is not gold.

多么明亮的一道闪光!What a vivid flash of lightning!

谁不想要一片闪光鳞呢!Everyone wanted a glittering scale.

当苏有朋说的时候,他的眼睛在闪光。Alec Su's eyes glistens as he talks.

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并非是金子就意味着闪光。All that's gold isn't meant to shine.

喇叭,调节器,闪光器,继电器。Auto Horn, Regulator, Flasher, Relay.

没有闪光的,凝缩的,黎明的露滴?No glittering, compact drops of dawn?