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揉搓软膏使其渗入皮肤。Rub the ointment well in the skin.

请不要因此而揉搓或按压您的眼睛。Avoid rubbing or pressing on your eye.

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他揉搓着双手来取暖。He rubbed his hands to keep them warm.

他弯下腰去揉搓发痛的脚踝。He bent over and rubbed his sore ankle.

我揉搓着眼,妻子张美丽就在另一个沙发上。I rub eyes, a beautiful wife in another sofa.

揉搓、烘烤出如意卷系列产品。Roll, twist and bake pretzels series products.

然后轻轻揉搓,用清水冲洗。Then genty rub and rinse off with clean water.

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有几根侠骨,禁待揉搓?With a few Darling, forbidden to be scrubbing?

不可揉搓冻伤区域或直接加热。Do not rub frostbitten areas or apply direct heat.

压出泡沫得到中,揉搓泡沫,冲洗晾干。Pump into hands, lather vigorously, rinse and dry.

它很害怕揉搓塑料袋发出的悉悉索索的声音。He is scared of the sound of plastic bags crumpling.

揉搓整个手,包括指甲缝下面。Rub it into all areas, including under the fingernails.

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如果被蛰,用水冲洗伤处,不要揉搓。If you are stung, splash the area with water and don't rub.

用中指和拇指滚动揉搓你的阴蒂。Finger roll your clitoris between the index finger and thumb.

轻轻地揉搓上5分钟效果最好。Massage the scrub in for a good five minutes for best results.

这种叫做“热棒”的小袋揉搓一下后就会发热。This kind of bag named Hot Club will heat quickly after rubbing.

将少许阿斯匹林溶于少量水中,然后揉搓到汗渍上。Dissolve a few aspirin in a bit of water then rub into the stain.

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然后放入大碗中,洒上盐揉搓均匀,确保每片菜叶都要上盐巴。Place the cabbage in a large bowl and sprinkle salt over each layer.

每周做一次去死皮处理,用含有磨砂粒子的磨砂膏揉搓脸部。Once a week, exfoliate with a scrub containing soft, synthetic beads.

采用锤片式结构,揉搓粉碎式原理。Mechanical use of hammer-type structure, and rub crush-style principles.