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在那飘逸的空气里!On the bosom of the palpitating air!

飘逸似水,热情如火。Graceful as winding stream, hot as fire.

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冬天的雪,飘逸且晶莹。Winter snow , crystal clear and elegant.

脚步像蝴蝶一样飘逸,出拳如蜂刺一般凶狠。Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.

轻盈,飘逸,如诗如画。It's lightness, elegant as poem and painting.

滑雪者滑下斜坡,飘逸得像一只鸟。The skier floated down the slope like a bird.

它轻盈飘逸,姿态婆娑,随风舞动,勾人心弦。It is elegant, dancing, wind, people dance chord.

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他看见一个丰神飘逸的少年向他招手。He saw a youth of great radiance beckoning to him.

飘逸长裙加上草帽凉鞋,实为柔和搭配。No. My cockle hat and staff and his my sandal shoon.

三月的微风,缱绻慵懒,飘逸轻灵。March breeze, tempting lazy, elegant light and agile.

如那眼前的花朵,开时娇艳,落时飘逸。As the front of the flowers open, beautiful, elegant fall.

在灰暗的雨天的早晨,我吟哦过许多飘逸的诗篇。On grey mornings of rain I have crooned many an idle song.

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在战争中,他们飘逸狠辣的进攻是神族武术的典范。They exemplify the unbridled ferocity of the protoss at war.

她有一头金色的齐腰长发,飘逸地披在背后。Her hair was golden, gently waving to the middle of her back.

她的舞蹈像蝴蝶般的优美飘逸。Her dances resembled the beautiful ethereality of butterflies.

影子在帐篷里盘旋跳舞,飘逸不定,可怖骇人。Shadows whirled and danced inside a tent, boneless and terrible.

微卷的长卷发,在春季带来更加清新飘逸感。Slightly curled long hair, bring more fresh feeling in the spring.

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除了法师,在这世界上没有任何一个职业能够玩得这么潇洒,这么飘逸。Besides mage, there never been one class can play so trig like this.

诗中更有一种如仙般超脱尘世的飘逸。If the poem is more of a fairy-like detachment from worldly elegant.

穿着看上去昂贵的衣服,保持发型简洁飘逸。Wear expensive-looking clothes and keep your hair simple and flowing.