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卡车颠簸着前进。The truck jerked along.

小汽车颠簸到站了。The car jolted to a stop.

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颠簸着驶下港湾!That toddled down the bay!

船随着波浪颠簸。The ship heaves with wave.

车子在路上颠簸而行。The car bucketed down the road.

轮船在汹涌澎湃的大海中起伏颠簸。The sound of this rush or surge.

这条坏路使这台旧车上下颠簸。The bad road bounced the old car.

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我们乘飞机出发,飞机可真颠簸啊。We took an airplane. It was bumpy.

看那只在水面上颠簸的船。See that boat dancing on the water.

那辆老爷车在马路上颠簸地行驶着。The old car bounced along the road.

我们的船在风浪中颠簸摇晃。Our ship pitched about in the storm.

风使得那条船在海上来回颠簸。The wind tossed the boat in the sea.

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马车在崎岖不平的道路上颠簸行进。The cart jolted along the rough road.

轿车在乡间路上颠簸前进。The jeep bucketed over the bumpy road.

颠簸在奚落与嘈杂的虚无之中Into the nothingness of scorn and noise

他那辆老爷车在砾石路上颠簸行驶。His old car bumped down the gravel road.

海轮在大洋巨浪上颠簸。The ship was tossed by the ocean billow.

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严重雷雨和严重颠簸。Heavy thunderstorm and severe turbulence.

那只小船在水中颠簸。The boat bobbed up and down in the water?

我的小船颠簸着破浪前进。My boat was surged through the huge waves.