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它们是龙眼吗?Are they longans?

龙眼是木雕良材。Longan is wood timber.

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桂圆又名龙眼。Longans , also known as longan.

白果,莲子,杏仁,菜燕,龙眼,雪儿。Ginkgo, lotus seeds, almonds, jelly, longan, cher.

龙眼木雕以圆雕为主,也有浮雕、镂透雕。Longan woodcarving Yuandiao, relief, Toudiao, also have.

朋友到农场摘的龙眼,树上熟,超甜!My friend's handpicked longans from a farm. Super sweet!

说着,她从盒子里掏出一个龙眼大的珠子。Say, she is from the box in take out a bead with big longan son.

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有枣子、栗子、龙眼和花生。The nuts include Chinese dates, chestnuts, longans and earthnuts.

龙眼是一种小型白色的水果,而且它只生长在东南亚。Longan is a small white fruit, and it grows in Southeast Asia only.

盛产荔枝、龙眼、香蕉、果蔗、莲藕等经济作物。Rich lychee, longan, banana, sugarcane, lotus root and other crops.

水果是从枇杷、荔枝、龙眼,一直吃到福桔!Fruits ranging from loquats, lichees, longans to tangerines are in plenty.

时令苹果,葡萄,香蕉,龙眼,巨资,猕猴桃,凿子,文旦。Apple, grapes, banana, lyche, mandarin, kiwi, date, pomelos regarding season.

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在田间和试验室条件下研究了龙眼叶片的光合作用特性。Previous study in our laboratory has shown that Longan Dimocarpus Longan Lour.

如果你来到我的家乡,我请你吃荔枝,龙眼,菠萝等。If you come to my home, I invite you to taste lychees, longan, pineapple and so on.

这里最出名的地方特产有米粉、凤梨、龙眼还有香米。The famous local products here are rice-flour noodle, pineapple, longan, rice, etc.

新鲜和干龙眼龙眼肉比易发火的优势。Fresh and dried longan Longan meat compared with the advantages of easy to get angry.

在龙眼生产上,果粒大是影响品质的一个重要因素。The large seed in longan fruit is the most important factor impacting on its quality.

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“龙眼大补”,“食品以荔枝为贵,而资益则龙眼为良。”"Longan Dabu" and "food for your lychee, and Funding for the benefit of longan is good.

果皮褐变是影响龙眼采后贮藏寿命的最主要因素。Pericarp browning is the most important factor affecting the shelf-life of longan fruit.

西瓜,香蕉,海椰子,木瓜,龙眼,红毛丹,荔枝,芒果,蜜瓜等等。Watermelon, Banana, Sea Coconut, Papaya, Longan, Rambutan, Lychee, Mango, Honey Dew, etc.