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想来可能是人越大脸皮越薄了吧?Presumably the older skin is thin?

路易吉厚着脸皮冲他喊道。Luigi had the gall to shout to him.

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呈现你最美好的一面,但不需打肿脸皮充胖子。Be the best of you, not better than you.

这意味着你要厚着脸皮的自我推销。This means being an unabashed self promoter.

“上帝告诉我的。”他斩钉截铁地说,打算厚着脸皮挨过去。"God told me, " he asserted, brazening it out.

脸皮真厚!她一声不吭把我的收音机拿走了!What a nerve ! She just walked off with my radio!

你怎敢跟你母亲顶嘴!脸皮真厚!How dare you talk back to your mother! What nerve!

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他们竟那样地走进病房,好厚的脸皮!The cheek of them, waling into the ward like that!

他的脸皮虽然打皱,但很少有焦虑的迹象。His face, though lined, bore few traces of anxiety.

整容外科医生将她的脸皮下部切开。The plastic surgeon undercut the skin of her cheek.

你跟她说话要小心,她脸皮很薄。Be careful what you say to her. She has a thin skin.

他不愿承认失败,却宁愿厚着脸皮干下去。He prefers to brazen in out rather than admit defeat.

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她宁可厚着脸皮赖下去,也不愿承认失败。She prefers to brazen it out rather than admit defeat.

点击应用,现在你的模型是脸皮的FBK钻机。Hit apply and now your model is skinned to the FBK rig.

你怎能厚着脸皮要求再贷款呢?。How can you have the effrontery to ask for another loan?

她脸皮很薄,我打赌她不会和你出去。She has a thin skin. I bet she will not go out with you.

你要有一张厚脸皮,以及一张薄脸皮。You have to have a very thick skin and a very thin skin.

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他的脸皮太薄了,他必须去学会承受各种各样的奚落之言。He needs a thick skin to take so much abuse from audience.

脸皮太薄,无法接受别人的建议。I think I am too thin-skinned to accept others' advise easily.

他上工才一个星期,竟厚着脸皮要加工资。He has the cheek to ask for a rise after a week in his new job.