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沙暴来了。The sandstorm came.

沙暴掩埋掉了他的脚印。The sand-storm obliterated his footprints.

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沙暴破坏性的力量是巨大的。The destructive force of the storm was huge.

他们首先得同狂风和沙暴作斗争。They had to contend first with wind and sandstorms.

顶着沙暴,穿过迷雾,我向你走去。Though sand storms and hazy dawns I reached for you.

顶着沙暴,穿过迷雾,我向你走去。Through sand storms and hazy, dawns I reached for you.

今年中国有大范围的地区受到15次沙暴的连续袭击。A series of 15 sand storms hit large areas of China this years,.

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撒哈拉沙漠,沙暴毁坏了一个废弃的钻井台。In the Sahara desert, a sandstorm batters a deserted drilling station.

沙暴范围以外,东面和西面天空非常清澈。Both east and west of the dust plume, however, skies are largely clear.

是为了惧怕沙暴或那类东西的人们所作的。Made for few, you know, people who are afraid of sandstorm or stuff like that.

中国甘肃民勤县,一个农民在一场沙暴中艰难地行走。Chinese farmer walks amid a heavy sand storm in Minqin county, in China's Gansu province.

沙暴从北非地中海沿岸刮起、经西西里岛直奔希腊东岸。Dust blows across the Mediterranean from North Africa and across Sicily to western Greece.

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周淮安等人一路亡命到嘉峪关的龙门,消失于铺天盖地的黑沙暴中。Zhou Huai, who flee all the way to the goal of Jiayuguan, disappear in the overwhelming black sandstorm.

表面冷漠,内心却十分善良、智慧的云灯喇嘛,也被一场可怕的沙暴淹没了——又是沙葬!The protagonist, the seemingly apathetic but kind and wise Yundeng Lama, is buried alive in a terrible sandstorm.

老卡斯卡利安丢下露辛迪克的尸体,在沙暴卷到他之前飞一般朝他的车队跑去。Cascarellian let the body drop to the ground and ordered a quick retreat to the cars before the storm reached them.

一场遮天蔽日的沙暴周二横扫科威特和沙特阿拉伯的部分地区,扰乱了空中交通和石油出口。A blinding sandstorm swept through Kuwait and parts of Saudi Arabia on Tuesday, disrupting air traffic as well as oil exports.

沙暴如此的厚实,卫星拍摄的地表影像完全看不清楚,波斯湾一些地方也被遮盖了。Thick enough to completely obscure the satellite’s view of the planet’s surface, the dust plume hides part of the Persian Gulf.

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通过沙暴尘埃对短波辐射吸收强度的分析,讨论了浓密气溶胶的天气气候效应。Absorptions of solar radiation by sandstorminduced dust and the influence of dense aerosol on weather and climate are discussed.

这不仅导致土壤贫瘠,也是产生沙暴的一个原因,也会给人体造成多种疾病。This actually doesnot only lead to soil infertility but also is a reason for sand storms whichcauses a variety of diseases for people.

在被阿兹改造之后,剃背将能操纵她原先最害怕的力量地狱之风,苦萨巴沙暴的别名。After being recreated by az , razer tergum can control the power that she feard most before , blast of hell , the byname of kusaba sandstorm.